Chapter 7

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Amber looks at the file that West gave her before he left her alone in his office. She feels like she's looking at somebody else's life. There's photos from her where she's not even cleaned up yet, like the one time he slapped her so hard she fell out the opened glass doors onto the balcony. In one of the pics she sits with her back to the wall next to the trellis of the balcony, her head thrown back against the wall. You can see the blood coming out of her nose and the tears running down her cheeks. She looks utterly miserable and dejected. When she looked at all the pictures and the very explicit and erotic ones of Andrew and Lolita she slams the file shut and get up to search for West. She finds him sitting at the bar with a cup of coffee of all things, she would have thought he will be drinking a beer at this late in the afternoon. "I'm ready, I want to go and get everything done. I need to make a statement at the police..." He looks over his shoulder and nods before he gets up. "Before we go, Chelsy this is Amber. Chelsy is Gammon's wife or like we say his Old Lady." Amber looks at the tall blond and she can see there's a story most likely similar to hers behind that beautiful blue eyes. "Hi Chelsy good to meet you." Chelsy laughs and looks teasingly at Grim. "Hi Amber the pleasure is all mine. Finally, I get to meet Counsellor's little sister that he's always talking about." They say goodbye and when they walk out the door you can hear the rumble of big bad motorcycles. It's a spectacular sight and Amber smiles while she looks at the big burly men getting of the bikes in front of the porch. Laughing their asses of about something, slapping each other good naturedly and then stop in their tracks when they see her. Gammon is the first to comment. "Well hallo Amber sweetheart, I think your big brother is in for a big surprise when he realizes you were here with Pres the whole time we kicked some ass. You two going somewhere Pres?" Grim scowls at him. "Behave Gammon your old lady is waiting inside, go make her happy to see your ugly face. We're off to the police and run a few errands. I want you guys to get ready to help Melcome's team move out of the farmhouse. They will be leaving at 5:00 am tomorrow." He walks Amber to her car, opens the door and close it while the men all look on. Wolf laughs. "Counsellor is going to whip our Pres' ass one of these days. I think we should tell the woman to make ready for a wedding." That makes the others laugh out loud before each go their merry way. Grim sits on his haunches at her door. "I'll be right behind you on my bike, don't worry about a thing." She smiles. "Thanks West...for everything." At the police station everything runs smoothly and in no time at all is her statement written and stamped. Grim makes her file for a restraining order for just in case... When everything is finalized he looks at her. "Okay where to now. Are you going to stay at your parent's house?" She shakes her head and giggles. "No I thought about it earlier and I don't want to be back to square one where I have to ask to go somewhere or feel guilty about going out and getting in late. There's still his cook and Ronald the bodyguard who I slipped this morning. I'm not sure what to do with them. They have families and I'm sure Andrew kept them in check by blackmailing them." Grim frowns. "Okay let's go and clear that up. I'm leaving Sneak on surveillance at your place for the time being. I have connections and can have you a rental in no time, just say the word." Amber sighs. "Arrange the rental I'll take it. I'm going to be in so much debt owing you after this fiasco, I'll have to pay you for the rest of my life." He smirks. "Mmm...I like the sound of that, meanwhile I'll work on the invoice and one of these days I'll tell you what you owe me Darlin'." At her house Ronald comes out of the house looking pale. "Mrs. H. I was so worried about you. The Judge came home and then left in a hurry just before Mr. Alvarez came here. The young one...he came looking for you this morning." Grim walks up to Ronald. "All the Mr. Alvarez' were caught this morning with a huge shipment of cocaine. The judge was in on the deals and is in FBI custody as we speak. You can go home and know you are totally safe and free of the judge and his shenanigans. Mrs.H. is going to move to another house and will not need you or Gertrude anymore. If you want, I can talk to my Father about some other employment for you both. Gertrude is a good cook as I understand from Mrs. H. so maybe the hotel's kitchen can make use of her skills and well, there's always security needed somewhere for you." Ronald nods. "Thank you Mr. McDougal we'll appreciate that." Grim laughs. "Ronald please call me Grim, that's how everyone knows me around here. I'll ask my Father to get in touch with you by the end of the week and I'll get your numbers from Mrs. H." Amber looks at Ronald and Gertrude and smiles. "Thank you both for your good work while you were in our employment. I'll make sure your pension funds and last month's salaries are sorted out so you have no money worries." Grim enters into her house for the first time and immediately knows that this is not her taste, this is all Andrew Hill. She sees his disgusted look and laughs outloud in this house for the first time since Gertrude and Ronald started working here. "I know, it's a bit to pretentious for my taste, but the designer was my Mother-in-law's own interior designer. I didn't have much to say in this house.She decided from day one she's going to run this house like her own and I didn't want world war III, so I just didn't say anything, thinking I would change everything as soon as she went back to Wisconsin. Well apparently her blue eyed boy decided to follow in her footsteps and hold the reigns very tight. Then the beatings began and I just left everything as it was. Come in, this is my office and what little space I had to do with what I want. I will start packing tomorrow, I believe the client for whom I'm designing his home at the moment won't mind if I take two days to move into another house." He looks at her, then at her office and smiles. "Yip I know he's a beast of a grump, but I think even he will know how important a safe and secured house is to a single woman." She suddenly looks aghast. "How in the world am I going to get a divorce signed by him. He will never sign it." Grim laughs knowingly. "Don't you worry about that Darlin' you have your own personal lawyer in the form of Counsellor who happens to be your bro' too. He never liked Andrew, so he will have him sign the divorce papers before the FBI scoops him out of here today. They will probably want to come and search the house too. So if you can, take anything that's in the house that's yours and put your name on it. They will seize all his belongings and this house too, what does your marriage contract say?" She pulls open one of the drawers and pulls out a piece of paper. "This says that I have my car, my office furniture and everything in my office, my clothes, any jewelry that he bought me over the time that we will be married and off cause all my crockery and kitchen stuff as well as the linen and towels I came into this marriage with. So the rest of the house are the State's to do whatever they want. I couldn't care less. I'll pack my things in boxes and leave it open if they want to search my things too.I don't have a problem with that." She walks Grim to the door and then she holds him back with her hand on his arm. He looks down on her although she is a tall woman of 1.75m. "I want to meet Sneak...and maybe it would be better if he sleeps in the house tonight rather than in that awful van or sits in the bushes all night." Grim smiles and turns to wave at someone that she cannot see at all. Then she sees the rather young guy coming down the driveway. He stops right in front of Grim and Amber but he doesn't look at Amber, it's Grim he's looking at. Grim knows why. It's out of respect for Grim and the fact that he realized Amber is Grim's Achilles heel. "Pres?" Grim turns to Amber. "Sneak meet Amber. Amber meet your guardian angel Sneak." Sneak now actually looks at Amber properly and he's mouth is hanging open and for a moment his diplomacy went out the window. "Wow Pres, she's even more beautiful than through the lens of my camera." Grim starts to laugh when he sees how Amber blushes and Sneak's cheeks turns pink too when he realizes what he just said. "Shit I'm sorry Pres, nice to meet you Amber." She smiles and gives a little laugh. "Hallo Sneak good to meet you at last. Thanks for being there and looking after me. I really appreciate it." He pulls up his shoulders. "No sweat, we do what we can." Grim looks very seriously at Sneak. "Okay Sneak for tonight you're staying inside the house with Amber. You can help her pack and you have first watch. Razor will come to be second watch but he will be here sleeping in the guest room until it's time to change watch. Ronald and Gertrude are leaving now so it will only be the three of you. Make sure everything is locked and keep the alarms on. If you need me, my phone is always on. Don't hesitate to call if anything looks strange or sound strange." Grim leans towards Amber, kisses her on the forehead and Sneak's eyes almost pop out. "See you tomorrow Darlin'." Without another word he walks out. "Um...I'll be just a moment I need to bring in the van." Sneak is quickly back with the van that he pulls into the garage next to Ambers car. Moments later the sound of a bike coming up the drive makes him moves to the door. "It's Razor, I'll tell him to park in the back. We don't want to advertise that we're here." After ten minutes Amber unlocks the backdoor for the two men and she sees Razor parked next to the door on the porch. He's almost as big as Grim but he's got this strange look in his almost blue-white eyes when he looks at Amber and he nods his head at her. "Ma'am..." Amber knows this man saw his fair share of war, it's there in his eyes and the way he looks at the windows and doors. "Hallo Razor, please come in and call me Amber. I locked all the front and back windows as well as the door that comes from the garage. Down the hallway, second door on your left is the only guest room downstairs with its own bathroom. The first door is a small powder room. There's also the Judge's study right at the end of the hallway. As you can see my study is right of the foyer. Back there is the kitchen you came through just now, the sitting room, family room and dining room as well as a billiards or games room." He looks up the stairs and she starts walking to the stairs. "Let me show you up stairs then we can make sure all the balcony doors are locked too." At the top of the stairs she turns to Razor and Sneak. "This is my room with an en-suite, then there's three more bedrooms and two separate bathrooms. You can decide in which room you want to sleep and put your duffel there. I'm a late worker sometimes, so I will probably be busy packing my things tonight until late. Sneak West said you're on first watch but you can put on the television and watch a movie or even play a game. There's an x-box of Andrew's nephew in the games room. I'm going to make dinner for us now because I'm starving. In the fridge are beer, sodas and fruit juices if you guys want any make yourself at home. For tonight we can do as we please there's no judge to judge us." She laughs at her own joke and hears Sneak snicker when she walks away. The two men follow her and find the many locks on the counter strange, but it's Sneak that asks the question. "What are these many locks for?" Amber starts to laugh uncontrollably and Razor looks worriedly at her. When her laugh dies down a bit she looks at their faces and wants to laugh again. "You will probably never believe me when I tell you. You see more than a month ago actually more than three months ago I was a bit bigger. Then Andrew decided that he's sick of looking into my, I think he called it my fat ugly face and body that looked like a walrus and that I have to go on a diet. So he got us a cook, now that is Gertrude that Grim talked about earlier. She was here to make sure that I don't have a chance of being near any food. That's actually not all, he employed a bodyguard or I like to call him Ronald the food guard. He was my driver and made sure I never eat anything during the day that was not packed by Gertrude or that I go through the drive-thru at McDonalds. I couldn't tell anyone what was going on because Ronald sat in my office listening in on all my conversations. When I went to the restroom he stood in front of the door making sure no one brings me illegal food. At home Gertrude had to lock all the cupboard doors in the kitchen after dinner when she went home so I couldn't snack on any unhealthy food. If you look into the fridge you will see the plastic containers with my healthy snacks for each day of the week prepacked off cause. So when she left this afternoon after Grim told them Andrew is in custody and what for, she unlocked all the cupboards." Razor shakes his head."I heard and saw a lot of crazy people in my life but this...this is just not normal. He's one crazy fuck. Sorry Amber..." Amber waves it away. "Don't worry Razor that's what he is." The two men decide to play cards at the counter while she makes them each a juicy steak with French fries and onion rings. When they sit down to eat Amber eats like she's enjoying food for the first time in her life. They laugh at her face and the sounds that she's making. After dinner they help her to wash up before Razor goes to shower and sleep while Sneak does a walk around the house and then starts to help Amber to pack-up her office,while she packs all her clothes and personal stuff in her room. They go to sleep in the early hours of the morning when Razor gets up for his watch. Amber makes him a cup of coffee and a plate of sandwiches after which he settles down in a big chair in the family room with a book and his food. "Night Razor and thank you. Remember make yourself some coffee or even more sandwiches or something if you want." He nods. "Night Amber, thanks for the coffee and sandwiches. Try to get a good night's rest, everything will be fine. We will not let anything happen to you." She finds that last statement a bit strange but she's too tired to think about it anymore. The next morning she's up early from the smell of coffee, bacon and eggs and she wonders who cooked breakfast Razor or Sneak. She stops dead in the kitchen's doorway. Her kitchen is full of men, all big and burly. Grim sees her and when he looks to the door everyone turns around and there's a strange quietness. "Good mornin' Amber you need to eat before we move your things. Melcome and his team wanted to help and get you settled so they are helping this morning. The guys of the FBI will be in a bit later. She can see the guys are tired but they don't say anything. "Morning everyone, um...that's really nice of you guys. Hi Melcome long time no seen." Melcome walks up to Amber and gives her a hug much to Grim's annoyance and the other guys' mirth. "Hey kiddo, yeah I think you were in senior year when I've last seen you. Thanks again for standing up for what is right, even though it meant the end of your marriage. Or haven't you decided what to do next?" Amber snorts and waves her hand towards the inside of the house. "No I decided I'm done with this mess the moment I planted those bugs. I started making a few changes but with my food mean my bodyguard with me I couldn't do much otherwise he would have informed Andrew of my plans." Grim suddenly stands directly in front of Amber towering above her with his 2.05m. "Go back to what you just said...who's the food guard and why?" Amber looks at Razor and Sneak and Grim catches the look between the three of them. Razor shakes his head and replies dryly. "You better tell him Amber and don't lie because then we will have to be two snitches and I hate snitching. It's his right to know everything if he's the one who's going to take responsibility for your safety." That's the most she heard Razor said since she met him so she knows it's important to listen to his reasoning. She nods and relates the whole story not realizing her brother came into the kitchen behind her with Cecilia in tow. "He did all that and you haven't told us?" She turns around to Jacob. "I couldn't, he was watching my every move. I tell you when I wanted to use the ladies room at work Ronald went in, check if someone left me some food then wait outside and escort me back to my office. Can we please leave this shit alone now? I'm starving here and I need coffee." Cecilia hugs her and whispers something in her ear that makes her smile but Grim stops her from going to the table by standing dead still in front of her then leaning down and whisper something to her. "You and I are not finish with this whole diet shit, but I'll talk to you later without an audience." She nods and walks past him without saying anything. Jacob watches them for a moment until Cecilia pokes him in the ribs. After breakfast everyone starts loading all her boxes into the big moving truck that Jacob organized and Amber and Cecilia puts all her clothing into their two cars. Just when they are finished the FBI pulls into the driveway. The guy that introduces himself to Amber as Agent Stone receives all the keys and papers of the house from Amber before she can go. Then she looks back at the house and shakes her head before she pulls out of the driveway for the last time. Now his parents can deal with all his issues and stuff. She follows the truck to a relatively new neighborhood near the end of town and near the Shadow Reapers clubhouse. At the house the guys immediately want to know what goes where when another truck pulls in and her parents got out. "Mom, Dad..." Her parents hug her, Jacob and Cecelia and greet the other guys but she sees that Grim also gets a hug from her Mom and her Dad gives him a bro'hug. "We knew you wouldn't want those pretentious furniture of Andrew, so we brought your own furniture out of the storage unit. Melba polished the wood and washed the cushions, so everything is squeaky clean." Amber laughs but there's tears in her eyes. "O Mom I haven't even remembered about my old furniture. Thank you and thank Melba for me please." Her Dad and Jacob start to down load the truck and the other men move everything in while Amber shows them where she wants everything. 

Shadow Reaper's MC Book 1 Size doesn't matterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora