Chapter 12

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Dr. Lindy supplies all the samples the police need, Amber writes her statement and Hack supplies the video Andrew made of raping her. That seals the deal and the police don't even bat an eye because the Shadow Reapers went in themselves to get Amber back and catch Andrew Hill. Amber and Grim sees the therapist three times a week and Amber learns a lot about herself in this sessions while they prepare for the court case. Each night Grim comes into the small hospital room, eats dinner with her and then pushes the other bed towards hers and sleeps with her hand in his. She has nightmares and she often cries his name in her sleep so he never leaves her alone at night. Each morning for the past three days he would help her into the shower and wash her hair and body, then dries her and help her to put on clean pajamas before he would blow dry her hair and then brings her breakfast. All the old ladies usually visit her during the day if she's not sleeping or if the therapist is not there. The men just come in quickly before work, hear if she's feeling okay or want something from town and then disappears. Gunner and Smokey are okay after the shooting incident when she was kidnapped and they hang around the club house until Doc would clear them for work in the garage. In the fifth week after the kidnapping Amber moves around with more ease and she starts to complain about staying in the hospital at the club house. "I need to go home Grim, I want everything to feel normal again. I love being at the club house but I want to start working again. Estrada said when I feel okay to sit for an hour or so in the day I can work from home. Your house plans are finish and I will have to talk to the contractors. Please can we go home?" Grim holds her to him while they are standing on the club house's porch. "Darlin' Estrada already talked to the contractors and by the way it's OUR house plans not just mine. You just have to think about the interior and if you really like to go home as you call it, I have a little surprise for you." She smiles and looks expectantly at Grim. "Okay, I love good surprises so let's see if you can surprise me." He takes her hand looks at her again. "Do you think you're up for a little ride on the back of my bike?" She smiles and nods. "Yes please but I only have pajamas on bra." The last part she whispered to him and that makes him laugh. "Darlin' everybody here is so used to you in pajamas they won't even blink an eye if you take a bike ride in your pajamas and I will go slow. And as for the no-bra situation...well you sure as hell won't hear me complain about that." She blushes a pretty pink and looks away. "Just let me get you some sort of shoes then we can go." He leaves her on the porch and gets her flip flops where he knew she kicked it of at the sofa. Outside they get on the bike and he drove to the old McDougal farmhouse about 2 km from the club house. He stops in the driveway and she laughs out loud before she gets of the bike slowly. "You fixed it. I totally forgot that was our plan before...before Andrew happened..." He takes her hand and walks towards the old house. "It's just a bit of paint and a few quick fixes. It took the guys about a day to fix the leaking water pipes and then some of the rotten floor boards. I must say it actually looks quite good for a house this old. It was Reapers granddad's house many years ago. Reaper stayed in it for a while with grandma before he built her the house in town and moved there. My Mom and Dad stayed here as newly weds too before he bought the house in town. Since then the house was used as storage until Melcome and the guys needed to use it. Maybe someday one of the other guys can use it when one of them finds an old lady they want to shack up with." Amber is mightily surprised to see her own furniture in the house with a few other pieces she assumes would be Grim's. "It's so light inside. I like this very much. Thanks Grim for doing this for me. I owe you and the guys so much I won't ever be able to pay you back." She puts her arms around his neck for the first time in weeks. He kissed her a few times and puts his arms around her but he keeps it very chaste. The therapist warned him to take it slow when he had a one on one with her and she even told them in a session that Amber should be the one to instigate anything sexual. So now he puts his arms just loosely around her and wait for her next move which comes when she pulls his head down to her. "Kiss me Grim, like you mean it." He doesn't wait and he kisses her with all the love he feels for her and when he lifts his head she smiles and sighs. "It's even better than how I remember it. You should do that more often...I think." He grins and puts his hands slowly into her hair cradling her head. "Your wish is my command my Darlin'." This time he kisses her softy but it soon turns into a very passionate kiss before he lets her go slowly. "I think I'm going to love it in this house with you by my side. Let's walk through then you can tell me if you want something moved to another room or changed maybe." She's quite happy with everything and when they ride back to the club house she laughs aloud on the back of the bike. She has a plan in her head but she would need the other old ladies' help. It's Grim's birthday in three weeks' time, and she wants to plan something good for him. He deserves so much more than what she can give him at the moment. Although they missed Deana's birthday with her whole piece of drama, Hack and the other guys did go to the new dance hall in town with the other old ladies since Amber commanded them to do something to cheer everybody up even though she and Grim stayed in the hospital room. So for his birthday she will be going out with everyone else and if she can hold it together she's going to ask him to make love to her for the first time in weeks. The therapist said it would help her to get over the shit with Andrew if she can manage it. That night all the old ladies came to the club with Deana and Allyssa's kids in tow. They decided to keep the kids away from seeing Amber and asking too much unwanted questions when she looked so extremely bruised. Now the most of the purple and blue are going away and she almost looks like herself although she lost a few pounds too. Her appetite is back and Chelsy makes everything she knows that Amber loves to eat. "Chelsy can we girls have a spa day sometime next week?" The men are playing darts in the bar and the women enjoys the lounge area while the kids play games in the basement. They are so happy that Amber seems to want to do something other than sit in the club house all day. "Off cause doll, I need an urgent manicure, look at my nails." They laugh at Chelsy and Amber looks at her broken nails and blush. "Yours are looking good next to mine. I look like the cat from hell and if Grim's Mom sees me like this at his birthday next week she's going to phone the local animal shelter to come pic up this disgraceful looking stray cat." First they just look at her but when they see the twinkle in her eyes they all burst out and laugh their asses off. The men look at them from the bar and when they see Amber's holding her tummy as she laughs they all smile and look at Grim. Gammon slaps him on the back. "She's getting there bro', slowly but surely. She's one tough cookie." Grim gives a sad smile. "It's just a pity she had to be broken down so badly to show how tuff cookie she is. I would never have wanted that for her. I just hope the court case don't fuck up her good progress. She actually asked me if we can move to the house from tonight. She's really happy with what you guys did for her and I'm in great debt to you lot." Smokey waves it away with his hand. "The only thing you two owe us is a big party sometime when she feels up to it. We should celebrate the fact that me, Gunner and Amber made it after that maniac was through with us. Both Gunner and me wouldn't have made it if she didn't come out of the house and phoned you and the ambo. It's our fault she was kidnapped." Grim gives him a mean look. "You better not let her hear you say that she thinks that if you didn't need to watch over her you wouldn't have nearly lost your lives. Everything happened for a reason and we're luckily all here to celebrate it. So stop that self-reproaching and let bygones be bygones. The therapist just has Amber to see it wasn't anyone's fault except for Andrew Hill's obsession with Amber that caused this whole mess." He looks at Counselor. "Maybe you shouldn't be here to hear what I'm going to tell the crew now." Counselor shakes his head. "Nope I'll stay I'm not a snitch I'm a lawyer and she's my sister." Grim nods and lowers his voice. "I would have liked to kill the bastard but I have already arranged for a few people at Wisconsin jail to know that the guy who's known as the Judge in McDougal's Creek and who sentenced them will be in for rape. He will not have a good time in there, I even arranged for his preferred toy to go with him to jail." Their eyes are as big as saucers and then they start to laugh so hard that the women look worriedly at them but they quiet down quickly too and keep on playing darts. Amber looks at Zoey. "Zoey, do you think the wounds on my back are good enough healed for a tatt?" Zoey pulls up her shoulders. "I will have to see Amber. If the scabs are mostly of we can work on your tatt. I will come by the club tomorrow during the day and have a look for you. Are you quite sure about the tatt?" Amber looks down for a moment before she nods and looks at them. "I want his name off my body. I cannot even look at my back in the shower and I know it pains Grim immensely to see Andrew's name on me, although he doesn't say a thing. He cleans my back and put ointment on but he doesn't speak about it. He only once during therapy said it eats at his insides to see another man's name on me and knowing what he did to me. It's his birthday three weeks from tomorrow and if we can do it maybe Monday then it would be healed a great bit already. I will just shower before he gets home every night so he won't see it before his birthday. I'm planning a big night with you guys out at the club maybe or the Dance hall and then I'm planning on seducing him." Now they all giggle and each come up with a more daring plan than the next until it has them all in stiches. Later that evening after Chelsy and Deana fed them all, Grim and Amber take his bike and go home. He helps her shower and when they get into bed he doesn't know if she would like for him to touch her more than holding hands until she turns towards him and snuggles against his chest inhaling deeply. He chuckles and puts his one arm over her waist. "Are you sniffing me Darlin'?" She giggles. "Off cause, how do you want me to not sniff you if you smell so divine. Just hold me Grim until I sleep so I know it's you with me." He kisses her forehead and then pulls her closer to his chest before they both fall asleep. The next morning Grim has to see their bookkeeper and Amber phones Estrada to tell her she's up for work again. Estrada promises to bring her a new project that she knows Amber is going to love while they wait for the house to be built so that Amber can do the interior. It's after nine that she sees Estrada's little convertible in the driveway. "Hallo Stranger, I'm so happy to see you. I've brought you something to nibble on while we chat." She gives Estrada a side hug since her back is still a bit sore. Then they sit on the porch with coffee and Amber's favorite cream donuts. "I'm so bored and I think Grim is afraid I will want to go to the office so that's why I tried the work from home thing before I get on the office horse." Estrada waves it away. "Luckily you can work just about anywhere, so I don't mind this at all. This is a project for your in-laws actually. Sarah wants to change her patio. Here is pictures of the recent patio that you've seen already and here's pictures she has seen on Pinterest and wants something similar but not totally the same. She used a marker to show what she doesn't like so you'll have an idea what to work with. You have her number and you can confer with her as you go along." Amber likes the concept she wants and she has her own ideas what to do with the patio. "Does she knows I'm going to be the designer?" She laughs at Amber's almost scared face. "You know Sarah likes you very much Amber and she asked specifically for you. She's not the snobbish person as many people think her to be. She's just not a people's person although she has all these charity organizations she's chairperson of and looks like a real socialite." Amber nods and when Estrada leaves Zoey pulls in. "Hay there girly, let's see how your back looks." She mmm and ahhh and makes strange noises until Amber turns around. "Will you please tell me what you're thinking?" Zoey laughs. "Well, all the scabs are of. I have to tell you though it's going to hurt like hell because of this barely healed scars. I can ask Lindy to numb it for you then I can do it in one go, otherwise we'll have to do it over two weeks." Amber thinks for a moment. "I don't care if she sedates me so you can do it, but I want it done. I will cope with the pain it cannot be more painful than my whole body was a few weeks ago. I want to do it for Grim Zoey, although my first thought is to get that bastard out of my relationship with Grim. I cannot undo the other things he did to me but I can undo his claiming of my body with his name being replaced with Grim's." Zoey understands what Amber is saying and she nods. "Okay I'll talk to Dr. Lindy and I'll message you how late Monday morning but you'll have to come up with a plausible explanation why you'll be too busy to see Grim at least for four hours." Amber thinks a bit and then smiles. "I'll talk to Estrada we'll have a long meeting at her office. He'll probably drop me off and pick me up from there so you will have to pick me up from the office and drops me there before he gets there." Monday is a long day and Amber had so much pain that she actually passed out so Lindy sedates her that Zoey can finish the tatt. When she comes to Zoey had bandaged the tatt and Lindy makes sure Amber is okay, but she told Amber she should maybe tell Grim that she feels under the weather so he understands when she takes Tylenol for the pain. Grim is a bit worried for a few days because Amber is cranky and not herself. After a week she's starting to feel better and Grim thinks it's just her back that's still sore and she doesn't want to tell him because she doesn't want to remind him of that bastard so he just leave it be. As the weeks go by they fall into a routine and when he gets home Amber is usually already showered and made him some or other great meal. "Amber Darlin' I must tell you you're a fantastic cook way better than Chelsy but you better not tell her. If you keep this up I won't fit into my clothes one of these days." Amber smiles broadly and shakes her head. "You will never be fat in your life, you gym and you're on your feet the whole day. You have a very fast metabolism so don't worry about fat. It's me who should be worried but I love food too much to really worry. At least I have the money to buy bigger clothes if it becomes a problem." They chat and laugh next to the table for a while before he goes and takes a shower and they went to bed where she lies on his chest with her hand on the tatt on his left pec with her name on. The Friday of his birthday Amber arranged with Gammon to send Grim home by lunch time with some story that Amber needs him home asap because she has a little melt down. The club will meet at Mick's new restaurant Big Appetite, near the dance hall for dinner with their respective parents, aunts and uncles as well as Reaper from where they all will go dancing. Grim is worried when he gets home and calls Amber and she doesn't answer. He walks through the house and hears water so he assumes she's in the shower and he doesn't want to scare her by just going in. "Amber Darlin' I'm coming in, are you okay?" He opens the bedroom door and sees rose petals on the floor towards the bathroom and he starts to laugh. "Darlin' are you telling me something here or do I assume you murdered a few roses?" He hears her throaty laugh and he finds her getting out of the shower. "I actually should have been in the bed already when you get here but I was to slow and looks like you were in a hurry." He looks at her when she wraps the towel around her and walks to the bedroom just in her towel. "I was worried, I thought Gammon said you're having a melt-down...are you...stand still what have you done? How long ago did you got the tatt and I haven't seen it?" She holds up her hands for him to keep quiet and the towel fall to the ground. She looks absolutely magnificent and he's mouth hangs open when she turns around and he looks at the tatt on her left clavicle. "It's stunning but when... She turns around walks up to him and divest him of his cut. Then she pulls his t-shirt up and he helps her to pull it over his head but when she wants to unfasten his belt he stops her. "Wait...are you certain about this, we really don't have to..." She puts her finger over his lips. "Do you want me? Just nod or shake your head." He nods and she puts her hands on his belt. "Then help me get this clothes of yours out of the way and make love to me." He did just that and Amber stiffened once a bit and from there it went extremely well. It's when they have a shower later that he asks her the same question again. "When?" while she's drying herself she looks up to him. "Weeks ago when I supposedly had that long meeting with Estrada, remember I was so cranky and under the weather. I wanted to do this for you for your birthday but also that when you make love to me for the first time since that ordeal, that it will be with your name on my body." He hugs her to him and kisses her. "You know how much I love you. There is something I have to tell you though and I sure as hell hope and pray that you won't be mad with me or kick me out of the house." Now she looks worried and he takes her to sit on the bed. "Andrew made a video recording of the things he did to you. I saw it the day after you were rescued and I was a broken man and wanted to kill him but then you asked me not to and I always want to do right by you. That video is part of what the jury is going to see during the trial. That's going to nail him for good but I wanted you to know before we enter that courtroom. The thing is I wanted to tell you for a long time now and I wanted to know why you said the things you did to make him so mad that he started beating you." She has tears in her eyes when she looks at him. "I was afraid I'm going to die there and I wanted to go out saying the things that was on my mind when I thought about you and I knew it would hurt him immensely to know that I love another man especially such a wonderful and sexy man who adores me with my plus-size body and all." He pulls her to him and he just holds her tight to him. "I wrecked the whole office the day I watched that video but when I heard what you said about me before he..., my heart sored and I loved you even more. Darlin' this tatt is exquisite and the fact you did it for me makes me a humble man tonight." After a while she fixed her make-up and hair. When she walks out the room into the lounge where he waited for her he had no words. "Hell you are so sexy you make my mouth waters." She is dressed in a black leather evening dress with a halter neck top so that her tatt is on full display. Over her arm she has a long black leather duster and on her feet is knee high leather boots. When she gives the duster to him to help her into it he sees her cut is on over the duster and he starts to laugh. "You are so classy and then you ruin it by putting a biker cut on over it all. Are you sure about this? People are going to stare." She smiles sexily. "Yes this is me and if they stare let them stare. I'm proud about my cut and if you can wear yours with your sexy leather pants to a grand restaurant and a dance hall then so can I." He seems quite pleased with her answer. At the restaurant the crew is waiting outside for them although the rest of the family is already inside and can see them through the big glass windows when he helps her out of his big black truck. When he looks around he sees all the old ladies have their property cuts on like Amber and he only shakes his head and holds his arm for her to take. They are greeted jovially and when they enter the restaurant people are staring especially when the owner Mick McDougal welcomes them himself. He walks up to Grim and Amber and bro'hug Grim but only kisses Amber on each cheek. "You know what Amber, this grim reaper can thank his lucky stars to have gotten such an exquisite old lady like you. You look stunning and I love the way you upped your property cut. It's good to see a woman who's proud of her partner." She blushes profusely and then they are at the table and greeted by everyone. The dinner is spectacular and Amber compliments the chef personally. The young plus-size girl Monica is in seventh heaven about the praise of the President of the Shadow Reapers' old lady. It's at the dance hall that Amber is helped by Grim to shimmy out of her leather duster that her tatt is reviewed to everybody else. Reaper is the first to see it and his comment makes everybody turn to look at Amber with wide worried eyes. The last they've seen Amber's back was when Andrew's name was still carved on her left clavicle. "Hot dam, if your grandma had a tatt like that on her back, I would never have let her turn her front to me." Grim laughs and Amber blushes but let him turn her with her face to him and her back to the others. The women knew but it's only Zoey and Dr. Lindy whose Doc's plus one tonight who saw it already. Chelsy whistles and looks at Gammon with pleading eyes. "I think I have to have another tatt. I cannot let Amber be the only one to have such an exquisite tatt. Problem is mine would have to have a bloody pig's leg on it." She has everybody in stitches and Grim leaves the group with Amber's hand in his going straight for the dance floor. "This will be our first dance together Darlin', I hope I don't disappoint you too much." She knows immediately he can dance by the way he holds her and steers her. At the end of the night everybody is flabbergasted with Amber and Grim dancing a few Latin-American dances too. It's when Grim goes down on one knee when the cheers go up and the crew gets a bit rowdy. Amber is in shock and when she says yes, Grim takes her hand and puts a giant of a rock on her finger. They party and celebrate the engagement until in the early morning hours. Grim and Amber keep on dancing for hours, they are very good and even the other patrons in the dance hall are shocked that bikers can dance like that. It's because most of the people always just see the bad in bikers. They never believe bikers can be quite ordinary and civilized, hopefully they can see for themselves now bikers are not always the enemy.

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