Chapter 9: The Brawl

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Hi again, I'm not even gonna try giving an excuse this time, I was just fucking lazy to write a new chapter. But here it finally is. Thanks for all the people in the comments motivating me to update :D

Last Chapter: 

I looked at my CGF pad for my next recruit or in this case, it was recruiting.

Scott Warren, and Conner Grayson.

Name: Scott Warren

Gender: Male

Type: Demigod

Godly Parent: Kratos god of strength, power, and might.

Ability: Super strength and flexibility.

Age: 16

Addition Info: Kind kid, ran from his home for his fear of hurting his loved ones. Unable to fully control his super strength.

Current position: Las Vegas, Nevada. The Grappling Ring International

Name: Connor Grayson.

Gender: Female

Type: Demigod

Godly parent: Bia, goddess of force, violence

Ability: easily sees the opponent's weaknesses, and how to exploit them.

Age: 16

Additional Info: Her brain can easily go haywire if she users her power in a large crowd. Girlfriend of Scott Warren.

Current Position: Las Vegas, Nevada. The Grappling Ring International.

Hmm.. so a couple, a nice pair too. Damn... I sound like Aphrodite *shivers*. I slept for a bit simply due to habit and woke up when the sun started to rise. I ate some breakfast and summoned new clothes for myself.

Time to go to the recruits... with a sigh... I shook my head and then mist traveled to Vegas.



I arrived above the MGM grand. I quickly opened the CGFpad and looked to where the couples are located now. I grinned as I located them. Only two miles and fifty yards 30 degrees west from my current position. Piece of cake I thought. I quickly mist traveled on an alley near the casino where the couples are located. I noticed that there were two lines. One which goes into the main entrance of the casino and seemed like it was for customers. The other line though was full of rogue-looking people, some dressed as martial artists. This line went onto the back of the building. Clearly for the fighters.

I contemplated for a second on which line I would go to, If I go to the audience, I will only see the fight and never have the chance to pop the question. Wait... that sounds weird... pop the question, to think that I almost popped the question to Annabeth, I shrugged. If I go to the fighting line, I would have the chance to not only talk to them but also fight and test them... I grinned and put my hood on and walked towards the fighting line.

The line, is very scary, at least for the other contenders. Many of the aspiring contestants are rather larger and looked like people who lived in a gym and ate protein powder as their main meal or something. At least they weren't monsters, but just some large people with bulging muscles. There were many types of people in the line. Some are girls with a Clarisse-type body, the old ones that look like k Kung fu masters, young ones that look very hungry, and finally the bully type that I just talked about. 

I noticed that at the front of the line there was a desk with a blond girl that looked about 25 years old with almost nothing on, with tiny strips of clothing barely hiding her woman parts. I closed my eyes and shuddered with disgust. Why do women think that the less clothing they wear the more attractive they look? Besides her were two large men, obviously her bodyguards. They both had large metal baseball bats that were clearly an intimidation factor, but to me it just made them look stupid. 

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