Chapter 4: Here Goes Nothing-Part 2

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Lol I'm a retard aren't I? not updating for a couple of months and then after getting bored I decided to sit my ass down and write an update. This is for you guys. 

Thalia's P.O.V

Yes! We're going back to camp! I'm so excited! Finally, I can congratulate Annabeth and Kelp head for being immortal! And besides, I think I need a small break from the wilderness after the incident on Yellow Stone. Long story short, it's bad. 

I wonder what are they the god of... oh well, guess I should find out!

Wind started to change as we near the camp, shivers came up my spine. Something just ain't right. That atmosphere feels tragic, like someone is mourning. 

At last, we've caught a glimpse of camp. Sudden shock slapped my face. And it became worse when we say that the whole camp had been burned to ashes. 

Worry stabbed my heart as I race to the tent in the middle, hoping that the others are okay. Then suddenly the air got cold, then out of nowhere, a boy in all black collided with me, still dazed, I looked at the boy, and glared, it's my damn cousin, Nico. 

But something is strange, tears keep falling from his eyes, it's the first time that I've seen him this vulnerable cause I was not there when his sister died. The depressed mood worsens ten fold.  By his appearance now, anyone would know that something tragic happened. 

"Sup, Death Breath..." I said, ignoring the fact that he's crying. 

"*sob* Percy...*sob**hick* percy...*waaaaah* I hugged him, don't get me wrong I'm just comforting him, er...

"what's the matter?" I whispered to his ear while he is still sobbing...


"shhhh..." I whispered again." Everything is gonna be alright... now tell me, what about Percy..." 

"h-he's dead..., saw him in the underworld, not allowed to talk," those words came crashing down on me like a boulder the size of Mt. Olympus. 

Despair overwhelmed me, I just can't help it and start sobbing...

Why...? Why him...? 

Annabeth P.O.V

Why did I have to break him?

Why did I choose to be a goddess when Percy chose me?

I broke his heart, he gave me his all, and then, I trashed it all away. 

I thought if I became a goddess, I will be complete. I knew that the gods were not going to give him the choice of being a god, and I decided not to tell it to him. I left him, I left him alone. 

And now I don't know if he is dead or alive. But after seeing the cabin covered in blood,  I knew that he couldn't have survived.

I wish I could die.

Here I am sitting in our destroyed secret place. The place that where we showed our love to each other, kissing passionately. 

A voice called me, wishing that it was percy...

but no, it was Thalia.

I noticed that Nico is on her back waiting under the shadow of a tree...


That confirmed my worry, Percy is dead. 

He is dead, broken hearted, with a shattered soul...

All because of me.


I woke up in the alley, my head and body feeling burnt. It's feels like the styx all over again. But this time I don't have something or someone to hold on to.  Suddenly it stopped. I felt Invincible again, but without the a weakness. I feel so powerful, yet vague sadness covers my heart. What can power do if you're alone?

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