Chapter 6- The Chaos Guardian Force Pt.2

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Narrator P.O.V

Arianna is utterly confused, confused because a moment ago she's bored out of her mind. then a minute later, she's been asked to bring a kid to Chaos, nothing unusual. The kid that she's fetching in the guest room is pretty handsome, the right word is really handsome, but nothing special there, he wasn't her type because he looks like a wimp. Then she suddenly discovered that he is the hero that she admired, the strongest hero that even Chaos praise. She wondered what happened to him cause she thought that he had a happy ending with his friends.

She had almost cried when he told her the story, why would a girl dump a perfect guy like Percy. Only a moron would do that. Then she brought him to the cafeteria. And without even saying that he should go to the 13th table, he voluntarily went there. It even seemed that he looked to be having fun with his new friends. She couldn't help but smile because of the look on his face, maybe he's being bewildered out that he has his own game cards.

Then suddenly, the most egoistical mon on the CGF came to them, a.k.a. Alexis. Strutting around performing his gay-ish poses. He sneered at whatever he was saying to them. He was probably insulting them or recruiting Percy, probably both.

Then Mr. ego shouted, "I'm a moron!" or at least that was what she heard from my table.

At first, they didn't respond but after he shouted again his table half-heartedly cheered. 

She just blinked for a second and suddenly Alexis is pinned on the wall by Percy. He's struggling but even with his herculean strength, it's like nothing for Percy. I could see Percy's lips moving and could tell he was whispering something at a now shaking, and sobbing Alexis. Percy stared at him eye to eye. His gaze was so intense that she felt an intense fear that swallowed her. His aura made her feel like a mouse in a lion's presence

All she could feel was her brain screaming at her that he was dangerous and he had to get away as soon as possible.

After the initial shock had left the Aether unit, they attacked him full force, but they didn't stand a chance against him, they were lucky enough that he didn't pull his sword out or they'd be dead by now. She didn't know if she was seeing things but there seemed to be a primordial shadow that loomed above him when he was fighting, it had red eyes that were glowing and black wings on its back that were sharpened enough to cut a primordial in half, possibly even Chaos. The shadow had an insane smile plastered on its face a smile full of dozens of sharp teeth so white that it trashed aether's smile. In one word it was terrifying. She blinked and it's gone, as it was never there in the first place. She focused on the destruction that Percy brought, she shivered because the entire Aether unit lay there on the floor unconscious like pitiful rag dolls devoid of life and emotion. She knew that his capabilities were high but this was beyond her imagination. She knew she did not want him as an enemy, he was a dangerous creature not to be messed with. Her whole view of him had changed.

And percy just stood there, no trace of fatigue, as if he just stood there and relaxed whilet he whole unit attacked him.

Percy's power scared Arianna, if he can do that to the strongest unit of CGF, destroying the whole organization and the city would be just like walking in a park for him.

He smiled at her and I gave her two thumbs up. 

She's glad that he's her friend, cause she knew was just an insect compared to him.

*A few minutes later*


"H-hello this is Arianna, over" she said to the communication device on her gauntlet.

"Hello Arianna, this is Peter Renaissance of the Chaos Castle Guard Force. Lady Chaos is requesting for subject Perseus, please bring him to her office right now, over."

"Sure, over"

She gulped audibly as she approached a day dreaming Percy.

She tapped him on his shoulder and he almost jumped from shock.

Percy was zoned out for a while and he didnt realize that Arianna was at his back.

"P-Percy..." she whispered

"It's Zephyr now." he said smiling

"Uh...L-Lady Chaos wants to see you." She said not looking into his eyes.

"Are you scared?" He said, getting why she was stuttering.

"N- no I'm not!" she quickly defended herself.

Zephyr P.O.V

I appeared beside the guards on Chaos' office, my sudden appearance made the guards jump. Angry, they quickly pointed their spear towards me. As they saw my face, theirs turned into a scared and nervous look. I was confused as to why this happened.

The realization caused guard number one to faint, and guard number two to pee his pant.

"Uh, I think you should take your friend to the infirmary... and uh... change your pants." Percy said, with a disgusted look on his face, I mean, really, who peed their pants at that age.

"Uh... y-yes sir! R-right away!"

"But before that, please say to Lady Chaos that Percy is here."

He nodded and talked to his gauntlet before waddling awkwardly away.

After the door opened, he saw alexis' father, Aether, fuming.

"You should punish that boy! Feed him to the dragons! Boil him in lava and oil! Expel him! Send him to the CGF main Prison Planet!"

"Shut up, Aether, I saw everything, your boy started it."

I quickly hid in the shadows so they would not notice me.

"But they were your best unit! We need justice!"

"If they are my best unit, they would not have been easily beaten by an 18 year old boy." Chaos said smirking.

"But they fought him at full force!"


"Argh! Fine, but if I see him beating up my unit again, I will kill him"

Chaos smiled, "Good luck"

Aether stormed out of the room mumbling about killing and torturing me, and I thought that's Tartarus' job.

Chaos sighed, and clicked a button on her table, "Guard, where is the recruit?"

"I'm here m'lady." I said as I stepped out of the shadows.

She appeared shocked that she didn't detect me. "How much did you hear?"

"Not much, I just heard the wonderful imagination of Lord Aether" I smiled, amused.

"He's a bit cocky and protective to his son, eh." She said giggling, "But that's not why I called you, it's because I know why I can't bless you."

I perked up. "Wow, that's fast."

"Yeah, I have the greatest researchers."

"Anyway, I had tested some of your blood to learn the problem, and this is the result."

I gasped mockingly.

"I-I'm... Pregnant?" so much for being the best researches in the whole universe.

"Wha? No! wait!," she quickly searched her drawer, here's your result! Sorry!"

"Phew! That was awkward..." I smirked at her.

I read the next file. What I read next certainly wasn't less awkward. "Uh... I'm infertile?" I guess that's more realistic, though I wonder what the Hades, had to connect me with not being able to be blessed.

"Sorry... the wrong file again, damn there are so many files here." 

She sighed "fine, I'll just tell it to you"

Hey guys sorry for taking so long to update, I was occupied with IRL stuff. However due to this Covid-19 shit show I finally have time and after seeing your guy's positive comments I grinded this out yesterday. I know it's short but I'll update soon again.

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