Chapter 5: The Chaos Guardian Force

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Hello everybody I back, update time now. I'm really sorry about how long this took but I had a lot of work I had to do in school and I was on vacation during the summer. 

Narrator's P.O.V

"Dude! How did you do that! They're the strongest guardian force unit here and you just defeated them like they are nothing in a flash!" said a grinning Jefferson, he's a 16-year-old son of Hephaestus, he kinda reminds Zephyr of his friend Beckendorf, from his looks to personality, and skill. 

Let's just say that Zephyr mistook him for Beckendorf on their first meeting, which happened a few minutes ago. 

He's been part of CGF (Chaos Guardian Force) for five years now. His full name is Isaac James Jefferson, but everyone calls him Jefferson, but Ice likes to call him Isaac, and bullies always call him jerkfaceson. Like most of the members, he's been abandoned by his parents because of his "freakiness", his mother thinks he is a child of Satan because of his power over fire. Yes, he has power over fire, which is very rare, only a few like Leo and him have this ability. So Arianna recruited him. 

The CGF adopted him, ending his two years of wandering in the cold streets of Quebec. 

"Aether's son is honestly a bitch" Ice said childishly. "He's just a big bully that became a general because of his brute strength and his father. He's so cocky that he even exceeds his father. But truthfully how did you do that? His strength rivals Hercules, and you beat him as if he was a ragdoll? Not only that but his whole unit." Ice said.

You've probably guessed from her name, she's a daughter of Khione, yeah... the bad goddess. Her full name is Ice Princess, I know pretty cliché name huh? But she doesn't like people calling her full name, because she hates it and it also reminds her of her father, so people refer to her only, as Ice. She is also 16 like Jeff and has been in the guardian force for a month now. 

Her mother left her to her brutal ex-military father that likes to... scratch that, loves to beat her. She still didn't know how to protect herself then. His heart is as cold as ice. That's maybe why Khione hooked up with him.

Her father treats her like a mere animal. She lived her entire life sleeping in a dirty, and cold, dog cage outside her father's house, not that she felt cold of course. She was saved by Jeff who burned down her father's house and freed her from that dark lonely place. However her past experience caused her to become paranoid, and she rarely trusted anyone because of the trauma she'd experienced. Jeff is the only one who can approach her without her lashing out.

It's been pretty obvious that Ice has had a massive crush and has been in love with Jeff from the start, everyone knows it except for Jeff of course. 

Many people from the CGF and the council treated Jeff and Ice like outcasts. Zephyr guessed that even here, there might still be corrupted people that make other people suffer.

The council and the rest of CGF treat Jeff like an outcast because, Jeff doesn't really like fighting but he's not weak- no one knows about his power except Chaos and Zephyr of course-, he just doesn't like hurting people. In addition to this Jeff has only succeeded in 5 of his 20 quests.

Even here they determined their recruitment through quests that tested how strong each member is.

The greater the number of quests you've done, the higher the chance that a general recruits you to his unit. There are 12 units and each unit has a captain.

Each unit has subdivisions which are:

The Ten Battalions- each battalion has around 200-1000 warriors, and they are each armed with high-tech weapons. They attack directly to their enemies. They are the first part of the unit that is notified when a war breaks out in a part of the universe.

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