Chapter 1: WHY?

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OMG, it's only been one day since I released this and it already has alot of views I seriously wonder how. Thanks so much. Here is the next chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything except the plot. Uncle Ricky owns all the characters.

Percy's P.O.V

Shivers ran down my spine on this cold Christmas night.

My small fire provides me little heat barely keeping me alive.

I silently pray to the gods that someone will save me...

But wait I can't, the gods betrayed me too.

I have no one now but myself.

Sigh, I miss my mother, she's probably making blue cookies now, laughing happily with her husband Paul holding my baby brother Alex.

Laughing like there is no tomorrow spending her time with her new family, her Christmas without me.

Before you ask why not go there?

The answer is, I can't

I can't stand to see my mothers disapproving gaze anytime a monster attacks the house endangering my brother Alex.

I love them too much. My demigod scent was getting stronger and stronger so I left. 

I decided to go to Camp Half-blood, the camp became my only home. After that I discovered more betrayal, more sadness, and more grief that drove me away from camp. 

Camp Half-Blood the so-called only safe place on earth for demigods, Pffft *spits* what a lie, more like the only place where you can experience betrayal in levels never seen before.

Chiron said he would only accept the best from me. I GAVE MY BEST.

But then why am I abandoned? 

Is it because they're scared of me?

I bested all the foes the gods were too lazy to defeat themselves.

And they thought I would betray them?

Now I know, I know why loyalty is a flaw. It's not because you'll destroy the world to save your friends but it's when you give all your loyalty out to others and none is returned. It shatters your soul.

Enough of me being a depressed fool let me just show you a flashback.


Finally, my life is normal. At last, I have defeated Gaea and sent her and her cronies back to Tartarus and peace has finally been achieved.

What a horrible war, hundreds of demigods died from both Greek and Roman.

But at least I have some alone time all by myself with the love of my life, Annabeth.

Just me and her I like that hehe

I first went home to my mortal family to say that I was still alive but 100 monsters attacked our apartment and endangered my brother Alex, I couldn't stand to see the glare upon my mothers face so I packed my bags and left, my mother still glaring.

The camp was my only home.

There was a ceremony coming up for the heroes of Olympus rumor has it that there is going to be a big reward hehe  I wonder what it is? I hope there is food. 

Anyways back to the topic, I am currently heading to the Athena cabin and as usual, I'm lost. When I first came scared half to death I was only twelve years old. Haha, good times. Back then there were only 100 campers and 12 cabins. Now there are over 3000 campers roaming the CHB perimeter Even during the winter time.

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