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(A/N) Hey guys, it's been a year since i've last touched this account, the amount of reads and stars make me so happy! I decided I should continue this since writing is my little hobby :)

We land harshly on the ground, Cheshire's head hit hard but he stands up shakily.

Her amethyst eyes were bloodshot with jealousy and resentment. "Oh my, you both have seen better days" I see (S/n) on the floor but, he's still breathing.

"What a shame, he looks so much like his father." My fists clench, my throat was dry and I felt hopeless.

I want to give up. She smirks at my pained expression,

"Me and Cheshire were endgame. You just had to get in the way, huh?" She said.

Cheshire was slowly fainting after hitting the ground from the teleportation. I stand my ground and yell at her.

"It was never my fault. He said he was done with you, but you couldn't take no for an answer, could you?" Her wicked smile turned into a scowl.

I snicker at her, "This is between you and me now, I have a family. Cheshire's heart has been mine for a while now, you can't just come back like this, expecting everything to go with your sick plan. Assaulting my own fucking daughter and son."

She charges at me, almost looking ferral. Her ears twitch and swings at me with a pocket knife that was strapped to her waist.  I dodge most of her quick attacks getting small cuts along the way, I'll fight for my family. (Family?? Dom Toretto??)

With a swift movement my fist flew to her face without a second thought, she stumbles and falls on her knees but comes back charging at me as if my punch had no effect on her. Obsession can really fuck up a person.

(TW stabbing) if you aren't comfy with stabbing scenes you can ignore the upcoming scene :)

My limbs feel heavy, as if I were draped in steel armor. However she stands stable, full of energy, "You're getting weaker by the minute, I think it's finally time to take back what's mine." She laughs at me, then runs at me for the the final time.

I get up and charge as well, keeping my eyes focused on her blade.

I trip her, grabbing her knife as she falls to the ground in shock. "No, you're trying to steal what has been mine." I plunge her own weapon in the back of her knee making sure she can't get up and attack me again. "I'm sorry it had to be this way, but don't think for a second you'll be able to attempt this type of shit again."


She grunts in pain, lifting herself up and whispers to herself. "I can't ever win. I give up."

I walk back to the dazed Cheshire, running my fingers through his lilac locks. "Hey, It's time to get home now, I took care of it." I softly speak to him, he smiles and gets up kissing my arms from where the blade has swiped me. It's time to go home. I carry (s/n) on my back and go through the portal.

Eventually we were able to get both our children to the hospital and have them stay for a week due to the amount of blood loss and trauma that Kat and (s/n) had went through. Cheshire brings me into his arms comforting me as I look through the glass, sobbing at the misfortune my kids went through but happy that they were in a stable condition. We go home feeling empty knowing that out children were not coming home with us.

(6 month passed)

Our kids wave 'bye' to us when they leave for their first sleepover. "Stay safe you two! Remember to call us if you need us to pick you up!" I smile then close the door.

Fortunately they healed quickly, but (S/n) was left blind in one eye due to the torture the white mouse inflicted on him. They were able to move past what happened but even now, they can't seem to stand the thought of Wonderland.

"(Y/n) I wanna talk about what happened in wonderland." He holds my face gently and holds it between his hands,

"I'm so proud of you, you did that all on your own and for that I'm so sorry...I should've been there to fight by your side" I smile at him, "It wasn't your fault, I handled it fine and it was because I did it for us." I kiss him never wanting to let go.

He was sitting crisscrossed, and pulled me on to his lap as we started to get more passionate. "Is this okay? I don't want to force anything on you..." I chuckle, "Heh, you're such a gentleman, I'd like to forget about what happened, sooo...let's do it" I press on him, kissing his cheek. "M-mm well if it's alright with you~"


quick (a/n) hey everyone :) so my writing skills got better, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue this story considering that people might've forgotten about it! there will be an actual lemon next chapter ;) so if you're up to that please stay tuned !!

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