Chapter 28

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"Good evening Illéa," cried Gavril as he walked on stage. Now that it was just six of us, we were sat on individual seats rather than on stands. I tuned Gavril out since I had at least 10 minutes before he would direct the rest of the Report towards us.

I looked down at my hands which were folded neatly in my lap, the words from earlier still echoing in my head. I love Maxon... I was at a loss for words after Maxon had dropped me off in my room. I had just sat down at my piano and started playing whatever came to my mind. I knew eventually I was going to fall in love with Maxon but I thought I would know. I didn't know it would just sneak up on me like it did, right on the tip of my tongue. Oh Goddess, I had almost said it to him.

I looked up from my lap to look at Maxon. Our eyes immediately locked and he gave me a look, as if asking if I was alright. I gave him a small nod.

"And now, an announcement from our beloved Prince Maxon." The live audience clapped with Gavril as he moved to give the stage to Maxon. Once Maxon was behind the podium, he took a moment to arrange his notecards before looking up at the camera. I could hear his heartbeat was fast; he was nervous. I wish he would look at me so that I could let him know everything was going to be alright.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it has come to my attention that there are many families out there who are going hungry. These hard-working people have to decide between providing their house with utilities or feeding their families and that isn't right; it isn't fair. So, starting next month, if you are a Six, Seven or Eight, you and your family are welcome to go to your local government building to receive a free hot meal once a week. We will keep this program running as long as there are funds for it, thank you." The crowd clapped as Maxon made his way off stage but you could obviously hear their whispers. I, on the other hand, clapped silently and watched as Maxon went back to his seat.

When he sat down, he looked at me and he sent me smile. I managed to smile back and quickly tug on my ear. His smile got wider as he tugged his back. Gavril came back on stage and started the interview portion of the Report. Thankfully the way we were seated made Natalie go first and me last so I had time to tune them out. I flitted my eyes towards Maxon before looking back towards Gavril so I could at least look like I was paying attention. So this was the reason why Maxon took away some girls checks and reduced the amount the others would receive, to fund this program.

I could feel my heart swell with pride and love for him. He cared about the people in the lower castes, he was doing something to help them. Part of me wondered why though. I mean in my lifetime, there was never a program like this, so why now? The memory hit me like a truck. I told him about the time when my family and I went hungry, when we were outside looking at the stars. Goddess, I love my mate. He was, without a doubt, going to make an amazing king and I couldn't be prouder to rule by his side as queen and his wife.


Dinner after the Report was normal and uneventful. Once I got to my room, I rang for my maids so they could help me get out of my dress. Normally, my dresses have zippers so I can get out of them with ease but the dress they put in me for the Report had a column of buttons that ran from the top of the dress, which was below my shoulder blades, to my lower back. As a work of art, the dress was stunning but if you were asking me if it was practical, I'd tell you no.

Instead, I went to my vanity and sat down so I could get started on getting ready for bed. Just as I was pulling the last pin out of my hair, Mary walked into my room. I'm fact, she was the only one who walked into my room. "Where are Lucy and Anne?" I asked her.

"They were a bit busy with their chores, miss. If you really want them here, I could go get them," she said, walking out of my closest with a new nightgown in her hand. I shook my head as I stood up to meet her half way. "No, it's alright. No reason to interrupt them when you can help me just fine on your own." I turned around and lifted my hair over my shoulder so she could start to unbutton my dress. We were silent for about thirty seconds before Mary asked me, "So... how are things going with the prince?"

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