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Hi everyone! Before you panic, I am NOT giving up on this story. School started picking up and I couldn't keep up with my school work and writing chapters each week. Thankfully the semester is coming to an end and I am going to use my winter break to write and finish up the story so that way by the new year, I can resume updates as scheduled without any breaks. I never imagined it would take almost 60 chapters to write this story.

I may update during the winter break but if not, please expect new chapters by January. I am so sorry for just stopping updates without any sort of notice. I appreciate Kittymeowmeow157 for reaching out and to answer your question, I am doing okay. Also, theselection011, you're not annoying. Seeing your comment made me smile and it's very encouraging to see.

Thank you for your patience. And if I have any American readers, Happy Thanksgiving!

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