Chapter 42

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The next morning, Maxon had left early so I had managed to fall back asleep. When my maids came around to wake me up for the day, my eyes felt so heavy. I did not want to get up. I begged Anne to let me stay in bed until lunch but she shook her head.

"Her Majesty wants all the Selected to attend breakfast so that way she and Silvia can speak to you five after the fact." Why did they want to speak to us? Probably to tell you that you and Kriss had the better reception Tempest said dryly. You know it wasn't their fault that things didn't go according to plan I replied, trying to defend Elise and Marlee. Doesn't matter. Celeste wounded them with her stupid mistake. She paused for a moment then said, I'm proud of you America. You did amazing getting everything ready this week. Not only did the Italians enjoy the party, which shows the queen what you're capable of, but I do believe you gained an ally for Illéa which I'm sure the king will appreciate.

I didn't know what to say. In all the time I've been able to communicate with Tempest she's never said anything like this to me. Thank you. It was all I could say.

Mary dragged me out of bed and put me in the shower. I was expecting the water to be cold but thankfully my maids were merciful to me and let me shower with warm water.

After what felt like ten minutes, I stepped out feeling a little more awake and made my way to my vanity so my maids could get started on my hair and makeup.

I kept my eyes closed and thought about the future. I wondered how many pups Maxon and I would have. The primal part of me wanted to make more babies than was necessary but I think I'd like four, maybe five.

Of course with that train of thought, I started thinking about how babies were made and I blushed. That was something I was looking forward to. Being able to show Maxon how much I truly loved him.

Somehow, in my daydream I picked up on some voices that were happening upstairs, only it didn't sound like a fun conversation.

"Your Majesty I don't think I'm the person you should be talking to about this. Maybe, when I return to Italy this evening, I can send back a diplomat and then you could work it out with them." Based on the accent and the fact that it was a female voice, I figured it was Nicoletta that was speaking. But she sounded... tense. I knew the queen didn't make people nervous and she and Maxon had already spoken. There was only one person left in the royal family that she could be talking to.

Upon realizing that she was talking to the king, I sat ramrod straight. I already had a bad feeling about him and I didn't like that he was making my... friend, I suppose, uncomfortable.

"Nonsense princess. You are the next heir to your throne. We are allies now, I'm sure your parents wouldn't mind us negotiating and getting a treaty written down." I didn't know why but I called out to Maxon.

"Maxon? Are you there?"

"Yes darling what's wrong?" I hesitated to respond. I didn't know how Maxon would react to me... not... accusing his father, but that he made me uncomfortable and he was currently making Nicoletta nervous. "America?"

"I can hear Nicoletta and your father speaking and I think she needs some help." Hopefully that would be enough.



After America had said that Nicoletta needed help, I could feel her worry and anxiety. Thankfully I had just finished up with a meeting and I could go see what was wrong. A part of me was nervous to go see what my father was doing. I didn't want to agitate him in any way. I made my way up to the third floor and paused outside my father's office door.

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