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The roar of the plane's engine was becoming a sound I was getting used to slowly but surely. I turned away from the window to look at Maxon. "Can you tell me now where we're going?" I asked, batting my eyelashes at him. He chuckled at my antics before saying, "Nice try. I'll tell you when we get there."

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh as I slouched back in my seat. We'd already been flying for a few hours and I had no idea what direction we were flying in.

"Just get some sleep darling. We still have an hour left of flying." I nodded and turned my head back to the window. I didn't think I'd fall asleep because all I could think about was my wedding night. The sensations, the sounds... I recrossed my legs and squirmed slightly in my seat. A hand suddenly found its way on to my thigh. Maxon squeezed my leg as he leaned over to whisper in my ear, "Relax, I know what you're thinking about and I don't need a boner right here. Not when I can't fuck you to get rid of it." I swallowed and nodded my head and he removed his hand. After that exchange with Maxon, I didn't think I could fall asleep until I suddenly found my eyelids lowering.


"Wake up America, we're here." It took me a few seconds to process what Maxon had said to me. I opened my eyes to see my mate standing in front of me. He held out his hand to me. "Come on, come on. I want to show you this place."

I took his hand and he helped me stand myself up. I stretched really quickly before following Maxon to the plane door that had already been opened. Before stepping out of the plane, I could feel how warm it was. He let me step out of the plane first and I walked down the stairs they had there for us. Once on the ground, a breeze blew by carrying with it the smell of the sea. I turned around to see Maxon descending the stairs too. "Where are we?" I asked.

"We are on what was known before the Third World War as the Hawaiian Islands. They were a part of the United States but now they're just a territory of Illéa. People still live here but not as populated as back then." I nodded my head in awe.

Just then, a car without a roof began driving towards us. "This is our ride. It'll take us to where we'll be staying for the next two weeks." The fight crew started bringing our luggage down. There wasn't much I could hear except the sounds that came from the plane and the people but I strained my hearing to the jungle beyond and I could hear birds and creatures scurrying about on the ground.

I looked at Maxon and grinned before pulling him towards the car.


Maxon had given me a tour of the modest home but I had barely paid attention to him. I had never been to a coast let alone a beach and the sounds of the waves were so enticing. The color of the water was the purest blue and the waves were calm. Our room had a door that led outside to a wraparound porch and then beyond that, the beach.

Once the servants had dropped off the last of our luggage and left the room, I began undressing because one, what I wore on the plane was cozy and making me over heat and two, I had to get in the water. A part of me was worried someone might see me butt naked since it was still late in the afternoon and the sun was still out but I didn't care. It was my honeymoon and I was going to enjoy every second of it.

I finished removing my clothes just as Maxon had stepped out of the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" he asked, his voice quiet. "I was going to the beach, want to join me?" I said, tying my hair up and out of the way. My maids had warned me of what salt water did to hair and I wanted to avoid the trouble of having to detangle it later.

"You are so beautiful," he responded. In the blink of an eye, I was on my back, the bed cushioning my fall. Damn him for getting so fast. Maxon had pinned my arms above my head and had latched onto my nipple. I squirmed as he alternated between gentle licks and sucks.

He leaned up to my ear and said, "Stay still." Maxon leaned back and quickly took off the casual clothes he was wearing. He returned to me as quickly as he had left but this time he had licked me from my core to my clit. I let out a breath as he spread my legs further apart. Maxon's tongue began making small but fast motions on my clit, my hands found his hair immediately.

Whimpers fell out of my mouth the further Maxon pushed me closer to the edge. One hand kept a steady pressure on my leg and the other hand had found its way to my entrance. Two fingers had gently made their way inside me and he was moving his fingers in tandem with his mouth.

A moan slipped out of my mouth at Maxon's ministrations. It wasn't until I was so close that Maxon pulled away, leaving me wound up. A sound of frustration came out of my throat.

I was shushed and I almost protested but the tip of Maxon's dick pressed against my entrance before slipping in. "I love you," I sighed as he bottomed out. He kissed my forehead and then my cheeks. "I love you more America. I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together. To run together, to have pups together. To spend holidays and birthdays together."

I clutched Maxon closer as he continued to thrust into me. "Me neither baby. I love you too."

I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have met Maxon. If I hadn't signed up for the Selection I would've continued dating Aspen without a care in the world. We might've been happy but I think deep down I would've always wondered "what if..."

I loved Maxon with every fiber of my being and I will continue to do so for the rest of my life.

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The End

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