six - a (rather brief) duel

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Atla sighed as she turned away from Michael towards the source of the noise.

'Yes?' she said calmly.

'WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROOM?' Potter yelled back.

The girl smirked, staring directly into the eyes of her mortal enemy, James Potter, who's face was now centimetres away from hers.

'Whatever do you mean?' she said, feigning innocence.

'You know damn well what I mean, Harlow!'

'Is there something wrong with your flying skills?' she replied, 'sounds just like you to blame the broomstick...'

James pulled out his wand and rested the end of it on Atla's forehead. Her eyes widened as they turned red, the colour spreading along her hair. She smiled a cruel, evil smile.

'You don't wanna do that, Potter," Atla whispered.

'And why is that?' he muttered back.

'Because you, and everyone else in this room, know that I can beat you in a duel easily.' she answered.

'Prove it.' the boy replied, glaring

The girl pulled her wand out of her pocket, ignoring Michaels hand that was on her arm, warning her that it was a bad idea.

'If you say so," she muttered.

Atla aimed her wand at him and sent a non-verbal stunning spell towards him. James managed to perform a shield charm in time, sending a hex towards the girl. She simply stepped aside to dodge it. She sent a jinx towards him, laughing when his legs started to wobble.

'Jelly legs jinx, really, Harlow?' he said, 'do you know nothing beyond first-year?'

"I know plenty, Potter, but this one's the most fun," laughed Atla.

Regaining his balance, James sent a curse her way, happy to see it hit the spot when she was dangling upside down by her ankle.

Atla Harlow was mad. Her her turned brighter, her eyes blazing. Red sparks flew between her fingertips, urging her to fight on.

He shot another hex at her.

She pushed her arms out infront of her, no wand as it had fallen when she had been yanked in the air. A soft red glow formed a circle infront of her, like a shield. Red sparks continued to fly around her finger tips as she opened her eyes and saw what had happened.

Everyone surrounding the two teenagers were silent. Eyes wide and mouths gaping, they stared at Atla and the colour coming out of her hands. She collapsed on the floor as James lost his focus, and she heard a cracking noise from her leg. Pain spread throughout her body, bringing tears to her eyes.

Potter was the first to speak.
'What... the... fuck?'

Before anymore could be said, Lily rushed forward to help her friend up, conjuring an ice pack for the ankle Atla had broken. She limped to the Hospital Wing, collapsing on a bed and letting out a huge sigh.


Sirius was the first to move after Atla had left the hall. He stood next to James and whispered, 'Did you know she could do that?'

James, still bewildered, replied, 'I don't even think she knew, judging by the look on her face, mate.'

Remus soon joined them, 'Do you think it was just a wandless shield charm?'

'Shield charms aren't red, Moony.' James reminded him.

'Plus, wandless magic isn't usually mastered like that until the wizard is like 30 years old. It's almost unheard of to be able to do it so young.' Sirius added.

RED - James Potter x OCWhere stories live. Discover now