It's Raining, It's Hurting (Ghostbur)

858 12 3

TW: Panic Attack (Not in massive detail)

'Text' = thoughts

"Text" = speech

Text = flashback

"Text" = on call (phone)

Text = time skip

Text = extra info/intro

"TEXT" = shouting


To put it simply, Ghostbur hated the rain. It hurt him since he was a ghost, so he always made sure he knew when it was going to rain. Of course the one day he forgot to check was the day he was outside, luckily someone knew he had left.

5 Hours Prior 

"Phillll! I'm going out to explore the woods!" Ghostbur yelled to Phil, "Alright mate, make sure you come home soon. I think it's meant to rain soon!" Philza shouted back. With that Ghostbur grabbed Friend's lead and set out on his adventure.

Back To The Present

Oh how Ghostbur wishes he'd listened to Phil's warning, it was pouring down with rain and the only cover he had was the trees, and they weren't doing much. The constant drops of water hitting his skin made a hissing sound, his body had started to melt. Friend was trying his best to keep Ghostbur as dry as possible but there wasn't much he could do. 

"F-Friend, go g-get P-Ph-Philza." Ghostbur told his sheep, Friend simply nodded his head and ran towards Phil's house. Soon after Friend left, Ghostbur's body started to shake and his breathing became fast and uneven. His quiet whimpers became loud sobs as the rain continued to attack him.

10 Minutes Later

As soon as Friend saw the house he increased his pace, he got to the door and started to kick it with his back hooves. Phil heard the loud bangs at the door and went over, when he saw Friend on his own without Ghostbur he knew something was wrong.

"Friend, where's Ghostbur?" Phil asked, Friend simply picked up the end of his lead and gave it to Phil before running towards Ghostbur. Phil followed close behind, his mind racing with one simple question, 'What's wrong with Ghostbur?'.

15 Minutes Later

The second Friend came to a stop Phil could hear the loud sobs of a ghost, he ran towards them and found Ghostbur. To put it simply, Ghostbur looked terrible. His body was shaking like mad and parts of him were dripping, however that isn't what caught Phil's attention. The thing that he did catch was how panicked Ghostbur was, he was hyperventilating and crying. 

Philza quickly opened his wings and protected Ghostbur from the rain, he then knelt down beside him. "Wil, mate can I touch you?" his voice was soft and gentle, Ghostbur nodded but his body stayed tensed up. Phil gently put his hand on Wil's shoulder, he instantly melted into the touch. Philza took this opportunity to pull him into a hug, Ghostbur made no sign of protest. 

As soon as Ghostbur was in Phil's arms he started to sob into his shirt, he did this for a solid 15 minutes before passing out from emotional exhaustion. Philza smiled as he made his way back to the house with Ghostbur in his arms and Friend trotting beside them.


Words: 515

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