He Lives In Daydreams With Me (I) ⚠️

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Summary: the boys decide to facetime for the first time since their break (and the first time since Louis and Harry's breakup), Louis realizes he still has feelings for Harry.

They looked good together, ask anyone. They could have easily won power couple of the year, every year. But it was well known between the two of them it was just a fling, nothing more.

Between still being young, figuring out their sexualities and their careers, they weren't serious.

When they broke up, Louis pushed all his nagging feelings deep inside of him, ignoring the screaming voices telling him that this was all wrong. Ignoring his gut, telling him to never let go.

So he did. He let go.

He let go of Harry, he let go of himself and he let go of reality all together.

He distracted himself with cigarettes and alchohol as he got thinner, denying the mere possibility that he missed that cheery boy that he used to call his own.

Sleep was not in his vocabulary, most nights he stayed up well past the crack of dawn writing. Writing down his thoughts and feelings on a peice of paper, and making his jumbled brain vomit into beautiful songs.

He never shared these songs though, no. They were too personal. Too loud.

And things didn't get better. The band got distanced from one another, they didn't have the same bond as before, and soon after Harry suggested that they took a break.

It's been five years. Five years since they've been in the same room together. Five years since they've spoken.

So when Louis grabbed his phone, he was surprised to see a text from Liam.

Good morning louis!

He furrowed his brows at the small text surrounded in a blue bubble. His eyes darted up to the contact name 'Lima' that he had never gotten around to changing.

Maybe because he wanted to be reminded of when they all got along. Of when he was a kid with no drama or responsibilities, and when he still had all his pieces together.

But no, times have changed and he has to realize that they can never go back to that. He realizes that reuniting the band wont do anything, meeting up wont do anything. No, he wants to go back. But he cant. So he stops thinking about that.

Louis rubs his blurry and dreary eyes with the back of his hand, still squinting at the dull screen.

Exhaling, he turns his phone back off, tossing it to the foot of his bed. He swung his legs over the mattress, his bare feet meeting with the cool hardwood floor.

Even though he lives alone, he quietly padded his way down the long corridor to the bathroom. He grabbed a cigarette from the counter beside the sink, lighting it as he sat down on the toilet.

He pinched it between his lips as he stood infront of the mirror, running his fingers down his face and neck, trying to smoothe out the wrinkles that threatened to appear beside his eyes.

The wrinkles that one might get from a permanent grin. The wrinkles that he did get from a permanent grin. A permanent grin that wasn't so permanent after all.

He exhaled the smoke through his lips, the cigarette still dangling. The smoke blew straight out, hitting the mirror just to scatter in different directions, obscuring his reflection.

He heard impatient huffs outside the bathroom door. He put out his cigarette, splashing some cold water over his face before opening up the bathroom door.

I Cant Help Falling In Love With You {L.S}Where stories live. Discover now