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sorry if this is confusing but this is the plan nightmare is going by and how the story is going to progress I don't know if I'll be able to explain that through the story so here.

1. teach Dream to be more mature and less gullible 

2. find a way to stop the villagers harassment 

3. if 2 does not work eat half the apples and get Dream to eat the other half and escape to a different AU

4. help as many AUs as possible 

5. make a base in an empty AU big enough for all the AUs that do not have a home to live preferably a black castle because why not

if dream and nightmare eat half the apples I'll make it so nightmare can turn into his goopy form or his normal form whenever he wants and so can dream except he can turn into his bird form whenever he wants. Also nightmare can sense negative emotions and positive ones and so can dream that's how they will both know if someone is sad and same thing if someone is happy just dream can give positive emotions but not negative ones and the same for nightmare but he can only give negative emotions and not positive. This only works for there powers nightmare can make someone happy the normal way just not forcefully and dream can make someone sad also not forcefully but by calling them names and stuff not like he would do that on purpose but just wanted to put that out there. thanks for reading this stupidly long explanation I appreciate it.

they will eventually leave the AU so 2 is really not that important but whatever.

I'll add more when I think of more ideas.

Reincarnated as nightmare sans from DreamtaleWhere stories live. Discover now