Chapter Six

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I walked into yet another room that I hadn’t been before and saw Queen Tailah sitting on a huge cherry wood throne. She looked extremely bored. She seemed very much surprised to see me. She slightly raised her eyebrows when she saw Elias walk in behind me. Elias walked around me stopping in front of the queen. He bowed slightly. She stood and in return did the same.

            A grin spread across Elias face. I was stunned when he plucked Queen Tailah off the ground to hug her while placing a loud kiss on her cheek. The queen chuckled making her seem years younger. He gently placed her back on the step of the throne.  

            Her eyes met mine and I knew she was curious to know why I had walked into the room with the King of the Males. She sat done on her throne and requested me to step forward. I walked forward and stood beside Elias. Her eyes shifted to Elias. He still wore his stupid grin across his handsomely tan face.

            He looked at me once before returning his gaze to the queen. “I’m here to ask for permission to mate…” He turned to me once more. “You never did tell me your name.”

            I turned my face away from him, rolling my eyes. I didn’t care if he was the King of the Males. He still crazy.

“Her name is Jayla, Elias.” The queen answered.

“Thank you, Grandma.” Elias replied.

My head whipped around so fast I was amazed I didn’t whiplash.

“Grandma?” I accused.

My heart stopped. There was no way the queen would say no to her own grandson. I was practically mated off now. No wonder he had been so cocky. He knew his grandmother wouldn’t say no to him especially if she wanted to marry him off. 

“Yes. Didn’t you know?” He asked innocently.

“No I didn’t.” I said grinding my teeth together.

He shrugged. “I thought you knew. It isn’t a secret or anything. We do look alike after all.”

Now that he mentioned it there was a resemblance. They were both pretty tall. Although, Elias was a good couple inches taller than her, making him around six-three. The bone structures in their faces were the same. They had high cheekbones. Also, the shapes of their eyes were the same although the colors were different. Elias was very handsome and Queen Tailah was still beautiful but in her prime she had to have been most attractive woman in the Camp.

I glared at him. “Now that you mentioned it. I do see the resemblance.”

“Yeah. We’re both very beautiful.” He said with a cocky smile.

“She beautiful. You’re just…” The queen coughed interrupting me.

“Will one of you tell me why you’re here?”

“I’m here because he carried me all the way over here like a caveman.”

The queen lips twitched. “Elias, is this true?”

Elias shrugged.

Queen Tailah smiled. “You remind so much of your grandfather.”

“Oh yeah. Didn’t he kidnap you until you agreed to mate with him?”

Queen Tailah had dreamy look on her face. “Yes. He was such a romantic.”

I backed away slowly. They were both crazy. Queen Tailah looked my way. “Look.” She said. “She thinks we’re crazy. You can see it in her eyes.”

Elias looked my way. He smiled. “It does run in the family, Grandma Tailah.”

“Come here, Jayla.” The queen said, smiling warmly. As I walked forward she stood up and stepped down from her throne. She put her arm around my shoulders. She was at least four inches taller than me. I might hate everyone else around here but Queen Tailah was okay.

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