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Dedicated to: arshia1234

The fact that I have been taking care of my mother, didn't mean that I was having fun with her. There was times that my temper would get so short that I would scream at her and start a silly argument over nothing. She would never say anything back.

So here I was sitting in my bed wondering what I had said before I lost my temper. Besides my thinking your could hear my mother talking to herself downstairs saying that everything was going to be ok.

I silently got up opened the door and walked downstairs hoping that my mother could once again accept my apology.

"Mother, I'm sorry for my dis behavior." I said as I looked down at the floor.

"Honey, it's ok I know that your trying really hard even though I tell you not too, don't put your mind into it darling half of it is my fault anyways."

I went up to her and gave her a sincere hug, the first since I started taking care of her.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too."


All I saw was was red and blue crossing my eyesight, I knew what was happening but I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't believe it.

They were taking my mom back to the hospital. She was in serious conditions to the fact that she had seizure and I wasn't there. They told me that nothing was officially suited but they did tell me that she had a possibility of having a concussion. She had hit the edge of the sink too hard.

To tell you the truth, I wasn't scared. This time I didn't get the feeling that you were being suffocated to death, to be anxiously waiting for any news and hoping they aren't bad. Actually I felt the quite opposite.

As I made my way to the endless hallways in the hospital, all I thought was if she was going to get out anytime soon.

I feel embarrassed of myself, this is my worst yet. I'm sorry I haven't been updating but I have had a lot in. My plate. I'm not going to get mad if you don't accept my apology I would've probably wouldn't accept it either.

I want to thank arshia1234 for reading my story and supporting me.

Love you all.......comment

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