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I feel this chapter isn't my best and I'm sorry
Also sorry for the mistakes have to look for an editor but for now I'm sorry for that as well...

When people say that when something good happens something else gets in the way. That's exactly whats happening to me. It only took a call for I to rush out of prom. It's only took a call for I not to dance with Robert. It only took a call for my mom to be in severe condition. It only took a call for I to be sitting in a hospital chair waiting for any news. When I was in the middle of answering Robert I got THE phone call. I didn't even let the nurse finish what she was saying it just ended the call and left the gym, I didn't even get the time to tell Maggie about the situation and I left Robert with a frown on his clearly not understanding what was happening. So here I was sitting by myself trying to hold back tears just waiting for any news, I just wanted to know how she was.

"Lillian Higgins?" The doctor called out from his office.

"How's my mom?" Getting to the point.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but your mom is not going to make it,her cancer took over all her body of only they would've brought her earlier we would've had a slim chance."
No this couldn't be happening not to me... I fell to the floor with full of grief not knowing what to do, she was going to......die. It was my fault.

"How long does she have", I said wiping my eyes.

"About a month."

"Can't you save her, your a doctor for goodness sake,"I said getting up from the floor,"where is she?!"

"She's in room number 201, I could take you if you want."

"No" and with that I left to find the room. When I finally found it stood there, in front of the door not wanting to go in. I really don't know what was pushing me from not going. Maybe it was that I didn't want to see how she looked like or what was going to happen on the other side of the door. I finally found the courage and opened the door and went inside. The room itself looked like any other hospital room would look like, white walls, a bed,....a patient. The only thing that made it so different was all the equipment. I would say she had needles all over her body, that only sent shivers up my spine.
Needless to say is that she would be counted as a corpse if you didn't see her light breathing moving her chest up and down.
I slowly went up the bed and sat down in the chair that was next to her bed.

I lightly put my hand over her,"Mom, I'm so sorry, I've should've stayed home like I always do, it's all my fault."
"It's not."I looked up and saw Robert coming in the room with his tux and Maggie towing right behind her.

"What are you all doing here?"I croaked out.

"I followed you",Robert said casually as if it was the most normal thing in the world. I silently nodded and looked back at my mom.

I hear the door opine and close, deep inside me I was hoping that Robert and Maggie had left. But that wasn't what happened. Well Robert didn't and Maggie did...
"I'm sorry Ms.Higgins but I'm going to have to ask you to step out I need to do a check over."

I felt my leg feel numb, Robert probably saw my reaction when he said it so he came up to me and took me gently out if the room to one of the seats in the waiting room.
It's all my fault if only I should've been there to make sure she was ok. Thinking about that made me break down.

"Shhh, let it all out Sam."
"Where is Maggie?"I asked.
"She went to get coffee."Robert responded.
I put my head on his shoulder stifling back a sob. I looked down in my hand and saw Robert holding it as if I was going to disappear in any minute. If I wasn't worrying about my mom's health I would probably be having a heart attack from all the physical contact that I was having.
"I'm here for you" Robert whispered as he held into my hand tighter. And for some unknown reason he made me feel complete, whole.

I'm sooooooooo sorry I haven't UPDATED any chapters it's totally my fault. I'm also so sorry that my chapters aren't as long, but give me some slack, I'm at least trying. Thank you for at least understanding

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•please comment I would love to know what you think (not you Bianca) lol just kidding
•keep on reading(thank you all for supporting my book

PainlessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora