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When class was dismissed I went up to the teachers desk in hope that he would change my partner.

"Sir, is there any possibility that I can change partners?"

"No, Samantha I know you aren't on the best terms with Mr.jones but I want you to try your best with him, the only reason I put you with him was so you could help him, not so you can back down."

His speech didn't help with any shit that's for sure. But why, does it really matter who I'm with, right? It's not as if I'm really going to help anybody with a project I don't even do a project for myself. With that I left the classroom, and went to my locker.

With all the thinking I had been doing I didn't notice that I had bumped into a person until I fell to the floor.

With a loud 'thump' everybody stood quiet and looked at me. I saw all my stuff thrown everywhere and saw the person In which I had bumped into, the only thing was that it didn't affect him. Robert looked down at me with an emotionless face, well I guess this was my fault. I slowly crawled and got my stuff together, I saw a body crunch down and help me. When I looked up I saw Robert helping me with my stuff.

I stayed quiet and picked up my stuff as quietly as possible, Robert gave me the stuff he picked up,also with the fake baby 'we' are supposed to take care of the funny thing was that he picked up with his thumb and index finger as if it was a disease I tried stiff filing back a laugh so with that I muttered a quick thank you and left.


I was currently in my room with the baby crying nonstop. I had fed it food(in which consisted if putting a metal rod through the throat until it stopped crying) and changed it(in which consisted changing the diaper) I really didn't know what it wanted.

I heard the bell ring from downstairs, my mother had gone shopping so there was nobody to get it. I went downstairs unwillingly and opened it, I was shocked for a few minutes until I finally clarified who was in front of me. Robert Freakin Jones!

What was he doing here? Why was he here? What does he want? Why does he want it?
There was so many questions flowing through my head I just couldn't think straight. So I did the most stupid thing I could've done I slammed the door and ran to my room.
*1hr later*
Ok maybe I was being a little rational about what I did but I didn't know what to do. Wouldn't you do the same like let's be honest that hot drooling guys, with abs that woul-
*cough* anyways I honestly don't know what to think of him anymore.
I heard the door open from downstairs and hear my mother calling me.
I went downstairs to check what my mom wanted from me because when she calls anybody downstairs it pretty serious, no lying.
"Why is this young man outside."she scolded

"I don't know".I said non-chatally

"He told me you guys are goin to work on a project,is that right?"

"Well get on with it".she said as she waved us off to my room. I looked at her she had dark circles under her eyes, her cloth in her head was always making her look healthier but not healthy enough. I knew she didn't sleep since they told her that..... Anyways I nodded and told him to follow me. He quickly agreed with amusing eyes, he's such a perv.
When we went up to my room, but before I entered I asked him,"Why are you here?"
"Like your mom said I'm here for the project."
"I guess",I muttered to myself.
As I opened the door he stopped and looked at me with hid deep forest coloered eyes as if he was waiting for me to say something.
"Oh, and I want you to experience your first time in a girls room without fucking them". And with that I left a satisfied gaping Robert and closed the door.


"So, what are we gonna do exactly",I said not really sure what to do.
"Wait until the baby cries or something, I really don't know what to do in this class why do you think I'm failing and stuck with you right now." Ohhh no wonder Mr.Renald paired me up with the asshole.

After maybe a couple minutes Robert told me he was leaving and coming tomorrow once more. All I did was grunt in response and that only made him face look amused. Once he left the baby started crying. Ugh


Two days. Two days of torture. Two days of me being stuck with Robert taking care of a baby. I heard a bit of rumors at school that supposedly Robert and I made a cute couple or that Robert and I shouldn't have been partners in the first place.

Guys I'm updating early because I have a week of rest but during that time I'll be doing chapter three for sure.

I really wanted to send this chapter out and get over with it. I know it didn't give as much information but I tried its kinda like a filler.

•keep reading💬
•next update (Dec-1-14)

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