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*I hope you enjoy it*

As I passed the school grounds I saw one of my closest friends (Ok maybe she was my 'only' friend but give me a break)waving me over to her, so as any good friend would do,I flipped her off and went to class. It wasn't because I didn't want to go and talk to her, it's was because I was practically fifteen minutes late to Ms. Greenwood (I know what you are thinking weird last name but I would say its unique) in the other words Maggie doesn't give a fuck about class.
I passed to leave my stuff at my locker ,I think god was going against me or something because I saw Robert freakin Jones making out with the biggest slut bag in school AKA the head cheerleader.

"What do you want loser"that little squeaky voice called out to me I swear she could break windows for a living with that voice of hers.

"I'm just here to get my stuff your 'leaning' against my locker", I said in the loudest voice I could.

Robert just stood there looking at me with amusement evident in those eyes of his that would send any girl to her knees, his eyes were a light green color in which matched with dirty blond hair oh how I would love to put my fingers through his hair while I ki..Damn Samantha get your hormones under control.

"Let the girl be Sara, well finish this later",Robert freakin jones said.

"I guess,she totally killed the mood anyways".
As she said that I turned around to leave and so did Robert.

"Are you following me or something",I asked a bit irritated about the whole situation.

"I sometimes wonder why your bright Higgins",he said totally ignoring my question.

"Why . Are . You . Following. Me?!",I said ignoring the statement he had said.

"Were in the same class Higgins remember."

"Oh", I didn't have to be told I was as red as a tomato I literally felt it, my cheeks were burning of embarrassment so I just turned around and left to class before he could, I didn't want to face him at all.


"How did class go?"Maggie asked.
We were currently in lunch waiting for the stupid lunch line to hurry up so I could devour the food that they gave us.

"Fantastic",I muttered.


I've been sick for the last couple of days.
But people didn't care at all, it was probably because they didn't care about me or they just didn't know I existed. For sure Maggie cared that I was sick but probably the rest of the girls thought I was an ugly slutty bitch that took away their chance being with Robert freakin Jones.
Remember that day he told me he went to the same class I did? Yes. Ok. Anyways we entered Ms.Greenwood's class together and you could just immediately hear the gossip. Maggie had told me that she had heard that supposedly Robert and I were in the janitors closet in the morning or that we were 'busy' in the principals office and that the principal had caught us. These people don't have lives anymore. Afterwards I ended up getting a cold and ended up staying home, Maggie would give me the homework(in which I wouldn't do at all so I have no idea why she still gave me the homework). I was that sick that my curly brown hair didn't look like 'curly brown hair' it actually looked like somebody had just thrown up on it and then decided to add a bit of dirt. I'm just kidding but when I tell you that my hair was bad,it was BAD.
Mr. Renald's was currently talking about our next science project in which consisted of us taking care of a fake baby with a parter there was just two problems:1-I do Not know how to take care of a baby and
2-I really don't like having to do partners when it came to a project, it just wasn't my thing.
I looked around the room to see everybody reaction to the news that Mr.Renald had just given.
I raised my hand.
"Do we get to choose our partners,sir?"
"No you don't".
Just my luck...

I hopeeeeeeeeee*1hr later* you liked it
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•guys give me time when it comes to updating ill update next week 11/24/14(Monday)

All rights reserved @amandaguzman

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