Chapter 1

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Hey! Its me Emma. Lately my father was transferred to Canada, therefore all of us had to shift here. I was extremely frenzied for that, as I got to decorate my room with yellow walls white furniture and of course a dressing corner, but on the other hand I had to leave my old friends which was so heart wrenching! However, focusing on the positive side was what I had always learnt.

I unpacked my books and displayed them on the shelf .

"It's bed time sweetie" reminded mom in a sugary voice as she tucked me in my bed. Cooking delicious meals for me, helping me in my homework and caring for me is what makes my mom the best. Sometimes I think if all mothers are so lovable and selfless like her. I mean how can they be so perfect? Never rude, never loud, or never having angst!

Besides everything I am having a frission of excitement when thinking about tomorrow, I wonder how my classmates are gonna be. I can already picture everything in my mind.

The next day I woke up early and started preparing my bag for school. I was shivering because of nervousness. After so much confusion I finally decided to go with my neon top, white jeggings,and pineapple bag. "peep peep! "

"Good bye mom!, I guess my school bus is here."

"All the best darling"said my mom as she kissed me on my cheek .

I quickly tied a scarf around my neck and fooshed down the stairs before hitting my face against the floor and knocking my knees on the floor. What an amazing start it was! Still making a strentuous effort I gave this the least importance and  pretended as I was feeling normal. As I entered the bus I could see many girls whispering into each other's ears.I got the last seat in the bus but it actually doesn't matters after all someone has to sit on the last seat. The tall girl sitting in front of me with straight blonde hairs a red crop top and black jeans who was blocking my view turned back and asked "are you the dyslexic girl? "

"so..rry?" said l nervously in a shivering voice.

"cant you hear me? I asked if you are that new admitted dyslexic girl we've been hearing rumours about." shouted Merlin(the girl sitting in front of me ) .

I felt a little akward at this moment as I haven't experienced this before.

The children in my previous school were so kind to me and they never asked me these type of questions at all. I badly miss them now.

"This felt like the longest drive ever" said I to myself after reaching school.

Everyone walked to the school gate in groups while I was alone.

I started feeling weepy when I couldn't find my class. Thats when Aria approached me and helped me out.She was a voguish girl who had a fair colour complexion, black hairs, red lips and rosy cheeks . Luckily me and Aria were in the same class.

"Thanks allot Aria!" I said , in a sweet voice.

"Not a problem"said Aria "and by the way I forgot to ask your name"

"Emma, Emma Marsheal"said I.

" thats a lovely name!"exclaimed Aria

"my sister named me Emma." I said .

"Wait what! you have a sister? "

"I,I had a sister. She is no more"said I sadly

"I am so sorry..., but can I .... can I ask you how did she gave up the ghost!"said Aria.

"she sucided!"said I in a heavy voice after a series of silence "leaving me alone."

(hey guys its me Areesha Ahmad and I hope you like the chapter 1 of my book I'll be trying my best to upload every day, so stay tuned. Also dont forget to comment,follow and vote:))

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