Chapter 8

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"momm why are you hiding it from me. Pleassse tell me mom PLEASSE I beg you mom!" I shouted as I  joined both of my hands infront of her.

"Emma I can't! " replied mom while she started crying.

"Momm please, please mom I am begging me pleaasssee. " I yelled.

"ook, ok fine I am ,please dont do like that." said mom as she pulled my hands apart.

"It was weekend, dad was out of town for a business trip and Eric was continuously asking me for ice cream like she always used to. We sat in the car and went to the ice-cream parlor. I got you guys some Ice-cream and after that we headed home. I was on the driver's seat and you were sitting behind the driver's seat while Eric was sitting beside the drivers seat. Then suddenly a car started following our car in a really high speed. I increased the speed of the car to 90 kilometer per hour. And then our car rolled over. Me and you were in insentience but nothing happened to Eric. Then.. Then, Eric called the ambulance and I don't know what actually happened. I opened my eyes in the hospital and your dad was sitting there. I asked him about you and he told me that you are not doing well.

Eric was in your ward and dad  was with me. Dad told me that Eric had called him. I was so worried about you. Dad told me that you had a brain injury but I was also thinking about Eric cause she was so sensitive and she loved you more than anything. Those days nothing was going good and.. and,  Eric was being bullied. After some time we got to know that because of that accident you got trauma Dyslexia.

Eric couldn't accept the fact that you got trauma dyslexia just because of her ,she was already facing many difficulties because of being dyslexic and she couldn't control that you were also going to go through everything which she did. Emma you were born so intelligent but after the accident you also became dyslexic.

Eric only cried for about a week. She used to close herself inside a room and cry. About a week after that accident your father's brother came with his wife to see you. When your dad told them about what happened  his wife said that Eric couldn't see you succeed, and she said Eric selfish. After hearing to her words your dad got angered and said them to leave.

Eric was so heart broken. She just took a knife and made a cut on her hand. We took her to the hospital but she was no more. I know that she did wrong  she should have been patient or shared some of her pain with me, I know that it was not good to give up but I missed her.I cried allot and the first five years were so hard for me. I never drived from that day, we ended our relationship with your father's brother and from that day your dad never went on a business trip." sobbed mom.

Mom finally told me the story behind it and it would have been better if she wouldn't have told.  She was crying through out the story and so was I. I wish she wouldn't have given up. I wish she was here, with me. I could share my pain with her, I could have someone to talk to. She did it just because of me, she loved me more than her life. Why! Why did she did that why.

(hey guys its me Areesha Ahmad and I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter of my book, I was literally crying while writing it but stay tuned for chapter 9. Please comment what you think about this chapter as I am dying to read your comments. Love you:))

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