chapter thirteen

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"The flowers are wonderful, thank you. We'll explain everything when we get all the Keepers rounded up," I announced, tucking a single flower behind my ear.

The Keepers were gathered in the Meeting House in a few minutes. The group included Frypan, Gally, Winston, Zart, Newt, Minho, Clint, and Thomas. Alby was still recovering, therefore he could not attend the Gathering. However, Alby would be released in no time, as Clint put it. Everyone quieted down as Minho, Newt, and I took the middle of the room.

"Listen up everybody, we have some important news," Minho announced.

"You all saw the thing we pulled out of a dead Griever. Well, we took the thing into the maze and it revealed an unexplored, unfamiliar passageway. There was evidence to suggest Grievers lived there, but more importantly, we think it's a way out. We believe we found a Griever hole," I finished.

Hushed whispers broke out around the group. Newt quieted everybody down and gestured for Minho to finish our joint speech. Before the elder Runner could get any words out, Gally piped up.

"We can't go. There is no escape from here. I've seen it all in the Changing and I know there is no escape. Why were you even in the maze, Ellie?" Gally demanded with his arms crossed.

"Don't start on her," Newt snapped.

"No, it's everyone's business as to why a non-Runner was in the maze," Gally retorted.

"Gally, I don't know if you were too busy feeling sorry for your shuck self to notice, but I am a Runner. I was the one who trained Minho, I'm literally Keeper of the Runners. If you have a problem with that because I'm a girl, maybe you should walk your butt out and complain to the Grievers. I'm sure they would love to hear you sulk about me, right after they finish ripping you to shreds," I quipped.

Gally's face turned the color of raspberries and if looks could kill, I'd be dead five times over. Finally, Gally regained his composure and took two steps forward, jabbing his finger into my chest and getting in my face.

"Fine. Maybe you are a Runner. You better watch your back though. Next time you make a smart remark about me, I'll break your neck," he warned through gritted teeth.

I smiled and, as he was not paying attention, kicked his legs out from underneath him. He landed on the floor with a dull thump. My boot remained planted on his chest, preventing him from getting up.

"Don't start something you can't finish, Gally," I warned in a sickly sweet voice.

My foot left a dusty boot print on his shirt. He got up and made a show of brushing his shirt off before storming out of the Meeting House. I watched his retreating back with satisfaction and looked around at the other Keepers. They all wore shocked expressions and stared at me. Even Newt looked a little taken aback.

"Anyone else have a problem or want to threaten me? No? That's what I thought. Any questions can go to Minho. I'm done with this meeting."

Nobody stopped me as I confidently brushed past the boys. I had so much stride in my step that I almost knocked Chuck over as I hurried out of the doorway to the Meeting House.

"It's the girl! She woke up! And now she's gone!" Chuck exclaimed, his chubby face alight with excitement.

I felt my eyes widen and I turned to go back into the Meeting Room. Without explanation, I grabbed Newt by the hand and led him away from the group of boys. On the way to the Homestead, I repeated what Chuck told me. Jeff was outside the girl's room, a sorrowful expression on his usually happy face.

"What happened? Where is she?" Newt demanded.

Jeff stepped back and held his hands up in surrender. I guess Newt and I were a powerful duo. "She said she wanted some privacy to change into Ellie's clothes. I asked her if she was dressed, but I didn't get an answer so I poked my head in. I was standing outside the door, so she must've hightailed it out the window," he explained.

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