chapter seventeen

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I sat over Thomas and reached over his unconscious body. Clint and Jeff had moved him to an empty room in the Homestead and kept an eye on him twenty-four-seven. I visited him whenever I could, sometimes accompanied by Chuck or Newt. Thomas' hand hung over the side of the bed. I grabbed it and laced his fingers with mine.

"Is he awake?" Chuck whispered.

He had just walked in and took a seat next to me. I shook my head and traced the dark veins in his forearm. I remembered all too well what the Changing felt like and all my sympathy went out to Thomas.

"He'll wake up soon Chuck. It doesn't hurt as bad as everyone makes it out to be," I told Chuck.

I didn't like to lie to Chuck, but I couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth. Thomas had a sweet spot for the kid and treated him like a little brother. I refused to clue Chuck in on how much suffering his close friend was going through. Chuck leaned over Thomas.

"Thomas, can you hear me? It's Chuck. Are you okay? Please don't die, dude."

As if on cue, Thomas stirred. I sat up straighter as Thomas' eyes opened a little and he let out the smallest of groans. I grabbed Chuck's shoulder and pulled him back a little.

"Chuck, go get Newt and Teresa. Tell them Thomas is awake. I need to have a little chat with him," I told the younger boy.

He nodded enthusiastically and left the room. I waited until I heard the front door slam before leaning over Thomas.

"Tommy, I know why you did it. I understand. They're awful, aren't they?"

He nodded and sat up. I handed him a glass of water and watched him chug it. He didn't look nearly as bad as most people do when they come out of the Changing.

"The memories are horrible. I think I have enough to help us get out of here. We need to call a Gathering immediately," Thomas said.

I nodded and handed him a dinner roll. "You've been out for 3 days. Grievers still came at night. We kept you in the Slammer at night for protection. Eat up, you're going to need your strength. And Tommy, just know that if you need to talk about it, I'm here."

Thomas nodded and ate the roll. Newt came in, followed by Chuck.

"Chuck, get out. Go find Teresa," Thomas told the kid.

Chuck looked disappointed, but he obeyed. Newt took Chuck's abandoned seat and grabbed my free hand. It was a little gesture that said more than words: I'm here. Let's do this together.

"Tommy, you barely look sick. What you did was half-brave and half-stupid. We both know why you did it though. Anything useful?" Newt asked.

"We need to call a Gathering before I forget this stuff. I know the maze is a test. They're weeding us out, seeing if we'll give up, finding the best of us. They are throwing variables at us to try and get a reaction out of us. They're testing our ability to hope and fight, trying to get us to give up. Sending Teresa here and shutting everything down was just another test. Now it's time for the final test- to fight and escape."

I smiled. "I'll be damned. You found a way out, Tommy."

Thomas smiled a little and tried to get out of bed. "We need to call the Gathering. Now."

Chuck had done just as he was told and brought Teresa to the Meeting House. In an hour, all the Keepers and Teresa were gathered in the Meeting House. It was odd without Gally or Zart, but the meeting brought a sense of familiarity. It felt good to do something so regular in these non-regular times. Thomas, Newt, and I sat in front of the Keepers. Alby sat in the middle of the room in the leader's spot, a place he didn't really deserve anymore.

"Okay, Greenie. Get talking," Alby demanded.

Thomas rubbed the side of his face. I grabbed his hand for support.

"It's a really long story," Thomas started. "I'll give you the gist of it. The Creators are testing us, weeding us out and trying to find the best of us. The Maze was never meant to be solved, it's just a big trial. They want the best of us for something big, something important."

When everyone exchanged confused glances, Thomas took a breath and continued.

"We were all taken when we were very young. I don't know how or why- those memories are all blurry. I only have glimpses of thoughts and feelings, but I'm pretty sure something bad happened in the world and the Creators felt justified in taking us away from it. Somehow, they figured out that we have above-average intelligence and put us through special schooling. We lived somewhat normal lives until they found the funding for the Maze."

"Before he continues, I have something to add. These aren't our real names. We were named after famous scientists. Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Isaac Newton, Eleanor Roosevelt- the list goes on. I don't think they'll ever let us know our real names," I added.

Hushed whispers broke out in the group. Newt shushed them and gestured for Thomas to continue.

"Supposedly, we're really smart and they're studying every move we make. Analysing us, seeing who will and won't give up, seeing who will survive and who won't. That's why we have so many beetle blades running all over this place. Plus, we've had things altered in our brains," Thomas informed everyone.

"I believe this klunk as much as I believe that Frypan's food is good for you," Winston grumbled.

"Let the man finish. If you have a problem with him, you have a problem with me. None of you say another word until he finishes," I said, loud enough to be overheard over the boys.

Thomas gratefully nodded at me and continued what he was saying. He explained the concept of Variables and why none of us remembered anything. He added that everything that happened-people coming up gradually in the Box, the Grievers, the Ending- was to trigger reactions. One thing was clear from his speal- the Maze couldn't be solved.

"And killing people's part of this plan?" Frypan demanded, kicking a chair in anger. "Better start talking about this magical escape then!"

Newt glared at Frypan. The Cook was still fuming, but shut his mouth. Thomas looked annoyed and held up his hand for silence.

"Yes, killing is part of the plan. The Creators want the best of us for whatever they have planned, but we have to earn it. The code was hidden in the walls of the maze for a reason. I would know, I was there when they did it." 

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