6: For the good or bad?

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I had followed Newt into the homestead, up the stairs and he was standing by my door, looking at me, he seemed to have a lot on his mind. I opened the door and walked in sitting down undoing my shoelaces. He closed the door walked in and sat beside me on my bed with the same look on his face.

"Newt?" I asked beginning to worry.

"You were right." He mumbled.

"About what?" I asked.

"Thomas, his name is Thomas." He replied.

"Yeah." I sighed, "what does this mean?" I asked.

"It means something, when you remembered Quill it didn't mean that much because you only knew his name and face. Thomas you have actual outside of the Glade memories with him, he was likely from how you told it, one of the last people who saw you before you were sent into the Glade." He kept talking.

"I can't tell where you're going with this." I spoke.

"I think things are gonna change around here." He sighed.

"For good or bad?" I asked.

"Maybe both." He mumbled.

"Well that isn't terrifying." I remarked.

"what else do you remember about him?" He asked.

"I think I loved him, like romantically." I mumbled looking deeply into Newt's eyes.

"How do you feel about him now?" he spoke with a confused look.

"I feel like whatever I feel for him is locked away with the lost memories, I loved him before the Glade, people change in the glade he might not be the same anymore." I sighed.

"Your right, the people we were before here don't matter. It will just be interesting to see how this goes." He mumbled.

"Have you ever loved someone?" I asked the boy.

"Depends on which kind of love you are asking. In which sense, because if you're talking deeply caring for someone kind of love, well I love you that way and few of the other Gladers. Although your talking romantic maybe." He sighed.

"I was talking romantic, although in the deeply caring way I love you to. You, Quill, Chuck, Minho and Fry are like my family, the rest of the Gladers are like extended." I replied playing with a thread on my pants.

"Romantically, I am unsure if its love or something less then love. Just sometimes I feel different towards another Glader, like I want to be something romantic." He mumbled.

"Who?" I smiled this was exciting for me.

"Quill..." He replied looking at me worried.

"Holy shank!" I screamed as Newt put his hand over my mouth to stop my loudness, I stuck my tongue out knowing he would draw his hand away from that. "You like Quill?" I smiled softly at him.

"Sometimes," He smiled back as I jumped forward wrapping him in my arms. Newt and I would have a lot of long deep discussions since I arrived, he had told me many things. I loved listening to him tell me stories, I helped him cope with things. Once he told me he was a runner and how he couldn't be anymore because he broke his leg trying to take his life. His leg hadn't properly healed, and he had a bit of a limp. I told him everything I knew about myself, because I knew less about myself than the stuff he told me about himself.

"This is amazing!" I smirked at him.

"Yeah, yeah." He laughed back at me blushing. We stayed up a little longer talking and eventually both fell asleep on my bed. This were the kind of nights I valued in the Glade especially if things were about to change.

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