8: Grief and Grievers

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I woke up to an unfamiliar site and looked around the room, there was no sun on my face, not even a window. Then it hit me, I was in Newt's room - I looked over to see my scrawny best friend still asleep. I smiled at how terrible his hair looked right now, I knew I needed to go check on Chuck and Quill. I got up quietly and snuck into my room, I opened the door to see Chuck and Quill head to toe in Chucks small bed hugging each other feet while Chuck is snoring and Minho asleep in my bed. I giggled quietly, then reality began sinking in... Ben was gone. I feel a lot better than I did yesterday, but I needed to get Minho up he had to track Ben steps with Alby. I walked over crouching down besides Minho's face, I gently shook him it didn't do much.

"Minho." I whispered, "Minho you have to get up." I said a little louder causing Minho to wake up.

"Hey Cora, I slept in your bed." He spoke with a sleepy smile.

"I know." I smiled, "You running the Maze today get up."

"Right, shit." He jumped up and ran down the hallway.

"Oh okay, bye Minho." I sighed, I was about to wake Quill and Chuck when Minho came running into the room and kissed my cheek quickly.

"Thanks Cora!" He yelled running back out. I laughed at the boy as I walked back to wake Newt. I walked into his room and saw him slightly awake, he looked up at me.

"Good morning." He glanced at me rubbing his face speaking with a raspy voice.

"Good morning!" I smiled, "I just woke Minho, came to wake you. On my way to get ready and head down to the Kitchen." I smiled.

"You're to peppy to deal with this early." He sighed.

"Yeah I love you to." I smiled and walked out of the room towards the shower, I had a shower and got changed. I had headed out of the homestead when I heard something, I looked over to see Gally kicking some sticks about and mumbling to himself. "Hey Gal, you ok?" I asked walking over to him, he looked at me in shock.

"Yeah, I am fine Hazel." He mumbled.

"Gally, is it Ben or something else." I asked walking closer to him.

"No ones ever been stung in the day before, no one. Why did this happen?" He sighed.

"I don't know, things are beginning to change I think." I responded.

"I don't want to have to banish more people." He sighed, I rubbed his arm in a comforting manor.

"Same, you never know may we wont ever have again." I said as he nodded. I hugged him quickly and took off to the kitchen.

I walked to the bench's and sat down it was to early for breakfast and I wasn't working Kitchen today. Newt seemed to have snuck by me because he was with Ably and Minho as they began to head out in the Maze tracking Ben's foots steps. Thomas walked over and sat beside me, I rested my head on his shoulder because it's more comfortable than the table.

"Morning." I mumbled.

"Morning, how did you sleep?" He asked.

"Not very well, Minho, Chuck and Quill took over my room and I decided to sleep in Newt's. I couldn't stop thinking about Ben, how did you sleep?" I asked.

"I had a memory dream again." He sighed, I lifted my head to look at him.

"What was it about?" I asked.

"A company they call themselves Wicked, I saw you in a room. I was standing next to a woman we were watching you be put through some form of procedure. Then I was in a room with another girl, we were going through the same thing as you." He said.

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