13: Sticks and Stones

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Newt and I were doing tasks and we were on our way to check on the girl. Although as we arrived we had found she escaped the MedJack hut and I saw a bunch of Gladers forming around the tower. I walked out and Newt followed, we got there, and I stood next to Quill as Gally made his way up the tower.

"What's going on?" I asked Quill.

"The girl ran over and up the tower Gally is checking on her." He mumbled. We all watched Gally reach the top and open the hatch as he got hit in the face with a stone and retreated.

"Nobody come up here or I'll hurt you all." She screamed out. I laughed at her demand I knew she was freaking out but we all knew she wouldn't be able to take all of us.

"Why don't you just come down and talk were not going to hurt you!" Newt called up to her.

"Stay away from me!" She yelled back chucking stones, how the hell did she have so many stones? Clint and Jeff ran off as the rest of us were trying to find cover. Old boxes, pans anything big was being used to cover us. People were yelling at her to stop and calm down, Gally was acting like the leader and ordering around and I laughed at the situation. "Leave me alone!" She kept yelling.

"Hey" Boys yelled at her as they hid from the impact of the stones, I stayed with Newt under a small door hatch.

"Throw one more of those things and I'll!-" Gally was cut off by being hit in the head again. I saw Thomas and Minho approaching us and more screams came from both sides. Thomas stood beside Gally and began ducking at the flying stones.

"I don't think she likes us very much." Newt said.

"What do you want from me?" She yelled.

"We just want to talk!" I yelled up.

"I am warning you!" She yelled as she chucked more.

"Take cover, Take cover." Fry yelled.

"Woah, woah. Hey, hey, hey, hey It's Thomas!" Thomas yelled at her trying to cover himself. The raining of objects and stones stopped momentarily. "It's Thomas." He continued as we all began to take the covers away. The girl peered over the side of the tower and I turned to Newt as he glanced at me as well. "Ok I am going to come up ok?" He said and she nodded hiding away again. "ok." Thomas said glancing at me for an ok as I nodded in acceptance and he began his way up the tower. We all stood around for a while waiting for something after a few minutes Gally lost his patients.

"Hey what's going on up there?" Gally yelled. We all saw Thomas stand up and peer over at us.

"Is she coming down?" Newt called.

"Um..." He turned to what probably was the girls direction. "Hey listen you guys just give us a second." He replied.

"Alright come on." Newt said as we all began to walk away in the same direction.

"Is this what all girls are like." Fry said eyeing me.

"Depends on what you mean? Independent? Or aggressive?" I asked.

"You can't really say much Core you're both." Minho joked. I rolled my eyes.

"That girl was crazy." Fry said.

"For a moment I thought we were going to have to send Core up there to sort her out." Minho added.

"Why me?" I smiled as we were all walking towards the kitchen.

"You're the best defence the Glade has.. you put Gal on his ass." He smirked back at me.

"What do you guys think of her?" I asked Chuck and Quill.

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