Chapter 3

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Down below was dark, so incredibly dark. Yusuke was certain he never ventured so far down before. Even going past the Sky Level was rare for anyone in the city who was picked by a vampira. He looked at the corroded walls dripping with moisture and covered in a thin layer of mossy substance. It was very eerie, definitely not something he was expecting from such... A relatively new tower. Supposedly new, anyway.

Tomo kept a grip on his hand and tugged him along, going past all the blocks and toward another lift.

"Tomo..? Isn't your block down here somewhere? Isn't that where we are going?"

"I'm afraid you'll have to wait for explanations, Yu-chan. But first tell me. Do you see anyone coming in and out of those blocks?"

Yusuke looked around and realized, no. No he didn't. In fact, they were the only ones in this entire corridor.


"Precisely. Which is why I'll explain everything when we get there."

Yusuke wanted to ask, where exactly is there? But judging by the look of hurriedness on Tomo's face he figured he probably shouldn't. In the lift he was pushed back against the far wall and told to be quiet. After shutting off all the lights Tomo shielded him with his arms and hands on the sides of his head, away from the closed doors as the lift began to go even lower. All the while his anxiety grew even worse. All this time he thought they were going to just below the level to an otherwise unused block, but they were going even lower than that! Towards the ground level where no humans except the engineers and scientists went!

Everything he was taught about vampirals and their habits was true, but what they did after picking a human was totally false. No, they weren't hostile and greedy. They didn't massacre every vampira in their path just to get to you. No, they were considerate and nice, and only slightly terrifying at first glance... So why? Why were people lying to him? To make him think nothing bad would happen?

"Why are we away from the door?"

The vampira sighed and looked at Yusuke with glowing eyes.

"When that lift door opens... You have to promise me not to be scared okay? Try to stay calm, and I'll protect you."

Well that didn't sound good at all.

"W-why? What's gonna happen when they open?"

"When it opens, Yusuke. There's going to be all manner of terrible... Things. We vampirals aren't the only ones on the ground level you know... And they'll jump at the chance to snack on a tasty little human such as yourself. My own place is not far from the lift block, but it will be a challenge to get there unhindered."

He paled and tried not to freak out, keeping his things near him.

"Our vampiral class didn't tell me anything else lived down here..! They just said this place was not somewhere meant for humans to be in."

"What do they teach you? Obviously not a lot."

The vampira didn't know how humans were comforted due to what little knowledge the Superiors taught him about these frail beings other than being a food source. So he awkwardly reached down to pat Yusuke's head comfortingly. The human looked up weirdly at Tomo, who stopped his motions.


"Why are you patting my head..?" 

Tomo shrugged, his hand now just resting on his head.

"I just thought... You needed a bit of comfort is all... I'm trying my best you know. My... Parents didn't exactly give me tips on how to make humans feel better."

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