Chapter 2

171 13 2

7:35 PM

Fear shot down my spine and I fell against my floor in disbelief.

I couldn't believe it... They were fighting over me..! Me!

A tall, silver haired man slowly waltzed inside, dressed in a tight leather outfit with various buckles and chains that showed off his belly. The darkness of my block made it hard to see his face, but I could see his bright silver eyes glowing with arrogance and playfulness. The bright purple vampira blood splattered across his skin also gave a hint of luminesence. 

I knew this was it. Nowhere to hide, I was trapped like a caged animal. And the man in front of me... I knew he was going to take me away. And once his eyes landed on me in the corner, he smirked that feral smirk of his and sauntered towards me, the purple blood on his teeth and mouth making him look even more terrifying.

"There you are little mouse," he said with pride. "I guess I really had something to lose if I hadn't won, because you look utterly delicious! What a prize to have won indeed."

Petrified I couldn't move. Even as he walked ever so closer to me until he hovered only a foot or so away. He smiled down at me, not with greed but... With tenderness..? 

"W-w-who are you?" I asked meekly. He smiled and held out his hand.

"Tomo. I've come to protect humanity no matter what, even with my life... And protect you as well."

 His hand... It had blood on it, bright flourescant green blood... He looked down at it and quickly wiped it away on his pants.

"Ah, I apologize. Don't worry it's not mine."

Oh God... I paled even more and he only laughed.

"Oh come now, I didn't kill the guy! Just... Slashed his face a little, that's all..."

Slashed his face!? A little!?

"Um... How is that a good thing..?"

"He'll be fine! We heal a ton better than humans think we do."

Suddenly magenta blood started to trickle from underneath his neck, in glowing rivulets that I was sure wasn't good.

"Ah! You're b... Bleeding..!" I stuttered quietly. 

"Hmm? Oh... Oh dear," he mutters. "Looks like I've run out.."


"No time to explain," he said quickly. "I need to feed, and soon. Please come with me. I promise I won't hurt you. I am only here to hurt the giants so they don't hurt everyne else."

Of course I knew he wasn't going to hurt me! I am just terrified of what will happen to us from now on! Being with aomeone else who wasn't family..? 

He grabbed my hand and gently hauled me to my feet before going to the door.

"Do I... Have to bring anything with me?" I asked. He smiled and shook his head.

"No, I will bring you back in the morning of course. But you may do so if you wish, since you will be with me all night."

 I swallowed and hurried to my bedroom for a change of clothes and into my bathroom for my toothbrush. I met Tomo outside and told him to wait again. 

"Leloh and Shizy," I explained. "I have to let them know I will be okay."

"No pressure," he said and waits while I tended to my cats. The two adults were huddled around Gigi protectively. 

"Leloh. I am going now. Take care of Gigi until morning okay?"

She only hissed at Tomo gently before swirling around at me.

"But something doesn't feel right, Yusuke! He's-"

"A vampira," I answered. "Yes I know that. You're only feeling weird around him because he isn't human. Don't worry... Every cat feels this around them."


"No buts. I am counting on you to watch the block while I am gone. Don't let anyone in."

I did not wait for her to answer, for I had already met up with Tomo so we could leave. He smiled at me, flashing a set of four fangs that made me inwardly tremble with fear...

"Don't you worry," he said cheerily. "You are safe with me, um... What was your name again?"

"I never told you," I mumbled and rolled my eyes. "But, it's Yusuke."

He stuttered suddenly, making me wonder suddenly if he was... Trying too hard, or just really really clumsy.

"A-a-Ahh okay," he said sheepishly. "Well then Yusuke. Let's go to my home shall we?"

As we left my block I noticed one other thing about him... He was... Astonishingly good looking. For a vampira anyways... His skin, despite being covered in blood spots here and there, was flawless and smooth. Even the way he walked had an odd bit of classiness to it, a sort of flair. 


"Just Tomo, please," he said with a grin.

"Um.... Tomo. Do you... Have to fight them after this?"

His face grew grim and he looked away from me.

"...Yes. After getting what I need from you I will have to. To... Keep you safe."

Why did he sound so sad all of a sudden? All I did was ask him a question.

"Why do you sound so upset about it?" I wondered quietly "I thought every vampira was more than happy to save their human and everyone else?"

Tomo then huffed and looked back at me, smiling wide.

"N-now isn't the time to discuss this," he says. "Why don't we head down first?"

"Oh, um... Okay then."

He was hiding something. I just know it... But he looked reluctant to even let me know what that was. He just grabbed my hand and started to lead me down the block hall to the elevator tower, not saying anything else. I guess it is true what people say about them. They are indeed strange and unreadable characters. 



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