Chapter 5

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Tomo made sure his hive was secure, locking all of the extra doors and barricading the windows. His main rooms heating core light was switched off so it would only give off heat and nothing more. Unnecessary attention wasn't something he needed right now.

He went back to his bedroom where Yusuke was sitting on his sleeping cell, his eyes wide and frightened.

"Yusuke... Please listen to me," he says and sits near his human. "Stay away from the windows and do not open the doors under any circumstances. Do you understand me? Even anyone claiming to be me, it most likely won't be. I know another way into the hive so just stay here all right?"

The blonde shook uneasily, nodding his head. Outside, he could hear loud thumps and roars off in the distance. Those massive beasts must have finally arrived... And Tomo would leave him alone for a few hours.

Right now, he could only pray that his family was safe...

"I understand but... Tomo..?"

"What is it?"

He reached out and grabbed Tomo's cold hand, squeezing it and staring into his deep eyes with a pleading gaze.

"Please, be careful. Come back safe okay?"

The vampira was taken aback at the emotions in the soft eyes that stared at him. He wasn't used to feeling such things... The feeling of hope, of determination. Not even of positivity. For so long, he was used only to the things he lived with. Negativity, the knowledge that someday somehow he would probably die and no one would care. Not having any friends he could relate to caused him to build an immense dislike for his own kind. None of them knew what it was like to be alone.

And now he had a reason to stay alive, for Yusuke. For all humans. Maybe... Just maybe...

"I... I will. I promise."

Tomo gave him a toothy smile and awkwardly ruffles his hair. Yusuke watched helplessly as the vampira walked away, closing the door to his room behind him. Yusuke figured... This would take a long time. Now was as good a time as any for a quick nap. So he sighed to himself and stared at Tomo's sleek black ceiling as he settled into the cell and dozed off.


Cold and harsh wind whipped through Tomo's fingers as he flexed them, the blood from his feeding starting to finally take its effect. His strength increased an easy hundred times his normal rate, and the lust for fighting was far stronger than he would have thought possible.

It was all thanks to him...

Tomo smiled to himself before speeding off towards the other hives in the distance. He could already see the huge humanoids lumbering towards the city, their massive legs making mini earthquakes with every step. He frowned and sped up, reaching the others in a short time. They all looked ready to fight, as was he.

They weren't exactly in the most welcoming of moods though.

"Hey it's Mr. Stingy here to help out," one of them sneered. "Shouldn't you be at home to help your human stay safe? Hmm?"

Tomo glanced at him and frowned.

"Unlike you, I have a reason for fighting today. You are just doing it because tradition dictates you to do so every year. But me, I have a reason."

"And what would that reason be?" Another asked.

"To protect the one who is precious to me."

They all grew silent at his answer, knowing he was right... They almost took off then but a familiar voice called Tomo to attention.

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