Chapter 10

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Yuuki takes them back outside to the hallway and to the first door at the beginning of the hall. All the while he felt steadily calmer and the color in his cheeks had come back. Tomo made sure not to lose hold of his hand in case he became nervous again.

"Go ahead and find an empty spot, the director will be in shortly after all of the pairs have come back," Yuuki says in a sigh. "If you'll excuse me, I have more papers to write. It was good meeting you boys."

"Bye," Yusuke said and starts looking around for empty seats.

"Come on then Yusuke, let's look around some."

Just as they began walking he felt an unfamiliar sensation on his neck that gave him goosebumps and he had to wonder if someone was watching him. Sure enough as he looked around there were countless pairs of glowing eyes in a rainbow of colors watching them as they searched for a spot. Cold chills ran down his spine and he shuddered. They saw an empty spot and were going to sit down before a quiet voice caught their attention from nearby.

"Tomo! Over here!"

The magenta vampira looked around before he spotted a familiar pair of lilac eyes glowing at him. It was his friend from the night before.

"Oh it's Yoshiatsu. Come on Yusuke, over this way."

They find Yoshiatsu sitting in one seat with Takashi between his legs. They occupy the ones beside them and Yusuke finally feels the sensation from earlier go away.

"Hey Takashi," He greets the other boy. "How did your test go?"

"Good," He says and Yoshiatsu hugs him with a wide grin. "He and I have a ninety six percent compatibility, and I heard it was really good so I was happy..."

"So were we," Tomo said in response and looked around himself at the other pairs in the room. Some snuggling like love stricken teenagers while some were chattering just as good friends, while some were even... Avoiding one another. "It's a relief to have finally gotten this done with even if we were nervous."

"True, I already feel like this place is home to me, the ground level feels long forgotten. Anyways, what have you been up to?"

They continued to make small talk for about ten minutes while more and more couples came in until it seemed like there were only a few empty seats. Weird... Yusuke could have sworn that this place was full last he heard. Oh well, there had to be a good reason, right?

Once everyone seemed to be here a huge screen projection suddenly flickered on the opposite wall, occupying the entire twenty by thirty foot length of the room. A single person was shown onscreen, dressed in an all black lab coat. He looked to be in his mid to late thirties or so with slicked black hair and a nice smile. Everyone fell silent once the screen came on and he began to speak in a smooth deep voice.

"Good morning everyone! If you're seeing this message now, it means you've all successfully completed the tests and are free to leave! But before you go, I just wanted to run through a few things first. And don't worry, it won't take that long. As you can probably tell, some of the seats around you are empty."

Everyone in the room began to murmur among themselves and looked around, indeed seeing more than a few empty spots scattered about. Yusuke frowned and listened intently.

"Now, do not be alarmed. Your friends will not be going home empty handed; We are merely keeping them behind to figure out why their testing went... Awry. As soon as everything is in order, they will be free to leave. As for those who have made it back here, I just want to say one thing in particular; We will schedule weekly meetings for the members of this facility and the leaders in the white tower in order to solve the problems running rampant in our city.

"We already know the Giant thing is one problem, but there are also humans out there that have found a way to harm the vamp's. While we don't know who or how, these meetings and upcoming investigations should help us track them down. Before you leave the facility you will be given contact information that you can use to send to us that might be of help. The results of said meeting will be broadcast across each news station in the city so that everyone may know. Um, I think that is it... Oh! And before I forget, I have a quick little equest to make of you all."

The man's smile slips away into a grim expression and he clasps his hands together to stare at the camera intensely.

"Please, for the sake of our city and our futures here, keep your vampira's by your side at all times to ensure their safety and your own. Never let them wander about alone or without someone to watch over them if you can help it. If you absolutely must leave them alone, leave them in your home so they may stay safe. If we were to lose a single precious life it would impact the community greatly and terribly. That is all for now so I must leave now. And stay safe going home. Your information from the tests should be arriving within a day or two. Goodbye."

His cheerful smile returns only a split moment before the screen goes blank and the auditorium is left in speechless silence. Yusuke looked around himself and found that most people were rightfully terrified of what would happen from now on. As was he of course. He already knew full well what vengeful humans could do. Like last year when he heard of some vamp getting kidnapped then slowly killed in a way he didn't even want to think about. Starvation of blood of course was the worst torture imaginable for a vamp and it was cruel to even consider it.

Soon an orderly in a lab coat called for them to leave and file outside in a neat fashion. As more and more people left there were soon only a few and they decided to leave.

"We should get going," Yoshiatsu suggested and had Takashi stand up from his lap. "The majority of them have already gone home so we should too."

Tomo wasn't sure why Yoshiatsu suddenly seemed so jumpy. He kept glancing around as they went to the exit then looking behind them as though someone might try and attack him. Paranoia was finally setting in it seemed.

"Actually," Takashi says once they reach the crowd by the exit. "Yusuke and I were talking earlier and we thought it would be a good idea to hang around in the city for a while so you guys can get used to living here with us. And since we... We have money so we can go shopping or something."

Yoshiatsu looked at his human first with a confused face, then a devious smirk.

"Are you insinuating we go on a double date, Takashi?" He purred and closed his arms around Takashi in a hug. "Cause I'm all for it if you are. I need some new clothes..."

They started snuggling and Takashi was blushing red in no time but giggling anyway. Tomo cleared his throat and held Yusuke close to him with one arm to make himself feel better.

"What do you think Yusuke? Think you can show me around?"

Yusuke smiled up at him and nods.

"Okay! It sounds like fun. Let's do it."

Tomo grabs his hand and pulls it to his mouth to kiss his palm before simply settling for draping an arm around him, feeling his insides warm up when next to the other. He would never let him go, not ever.

I can't always say that you'll be okay. But I'll try my best to make sure that you're happy, because no matter what happens I will always be by your side.


A little shorter than chap 9 i know, but I couldn't think of how to continue this chapter lmao. Anyways, hope you enjoy the double update! <333

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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