Chapter 4

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It seemed to be confused, its steps faltering and unsure of whether to move forward or back. Tomo slowly started to inch away without looking back, holding tigher onto Yusuke.

"What is that thing?" He asked quietly.

"A l'yzyra. It's blind, but it can smell and hear really well... If we're quiet, we can sneak past it."

 Tomo started walking again, pausing only when he thought the creature heard them moving. Not long after that it thankfully lost interest and lumbered away from them. Yusuke almost wanted to sigh in relief but held himself back from doing so. The vampira kept walking, but was still tense as ever. He set Yusuke down and held him close by his waist.

"Don't relax just yet, Yusuke," Tomo warned. "I can... Smell more of my kind up ahead... Please hold on just a little longer. We're approaching the hive clusters; We'll have to get past them in order to get to my home. Plus, the giants will reach this place soon, so we need to hurry."

Yusuke was almost aired out when Tomo decided to clutch him to his chest and sped up his walk. He looked far off in the distance and saw a cluster of lights getting closer and closer. The wind suddenly picked up around them, making his blonde hair lightly whip around his face. 

"Tomo... I'm... I'm a little freaked out.."

The vampira only ran his fingers along Yusuke's arm as thy walked.

"Don't worry Yusuke... You're safe with me now. I won't let anything touch you."

The hives came closer and closer until they were in plain view. They were beautiful, multifaceted quartzian domes. The doors were all black and smooth, reflecting the minimal moon light. Certain hives were only single  structures, while others were more larger and had more layers and sky lights to them. The only similarities they all shared were the illuminating surfaces of the white surfaces and the black spires. Yusuke looked down and noted the unusual green stuff beneath his feet. Long fluttery green things that sprouted from the ground.

"Grass," Tomo quipped. "I'll tell you about it sometime."

Yusuke snuggled closer when he suddenly heard noises all around him. Voices... 

"Ayyye, It's Tomo with some fresh meat!"

He gasped and looked down to his feet, trembling even more than before as they passed through the domes. More vampirals were looking out of their hives and seemed interested. More than interested. 

Suddenly they were forced to stop walking as a rival male stepped in their path. He was smirking, his bright pink eyes showing off the color of his blood. The soft silvery purple hair framing his face was in contrast to the all black silky bodysuit covering his tall frame with the front cut out to show off his chest and stomach. 

"Hi there Tomo-san," he drawled and put a hand on his hip. "Care for a trade? The smell is incredibly intoxicating."

Other males started to crowd around and surrounded them.

"Fuck off Kuina," Tomo growled loudly around them. "He's mine!"

"Come on Tomo," one of them snarled. "You can share can't you??"

"No, he is mine! Now get the fuck out of my way, before I kill all of you."

The possessiveness..! It made Yusuke shiver even more than before, and not entirely from fright..

One of them tried to actually grab at Yusuke's arm to tug him away, but Tomo quickly slashed at his arm with sharp claws, spraying vividly orange blood everywhere. Yusuke whimpered and tried to shy away frm all the eager-to-steal rival vampires. The injured one screeched and scurried away,

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