Chapter 6

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Morning came quicker than he had expected, and in some sort of strange way he was disappointed. It meant less time with Yusuke alone. Normally he wouldn't care much but this time he did. He had come to covet the time spent with him, and wanted every bit of it to last as long as he could make it. Funny how selfish he had bcome already wasn't it...

Before all of this he wouldn't have thought of a human as anything other than food. But now no more... Tomo wanted to smack himself for ever thinking that. Even though Yusuke was always so tasty smelling and made his mouth water constantly. That's why he was all the way over at the window now, because he didn't want to wake up his human out of greed and to distract himself.

It was torture to wait, but luckily he didn't have to for much longer.

He watched Yusuke wake up from across the room they were in, and he never knew how oddly fascinating it was to watch a human wake up. He stretched his entire body across the cell like a small feline, and his eyes didn't open for at least a few seconds after the stretch. His lips smacked together and he went still, but his eyes were still open and coming into focus then settling on him. No one spoke for a few seconds at first. But then Yusuke did and with a weird smile on his face.

“Good morning...” His voice was still hoarse from sleep. Tomo smiled back but made no move to walk away from the window he stood at. Outside the sky was blue and orange with the light of rising Polaris.

“Good morning to you,” he says. “Do all humans wake up like this?”

“Hmm like what?” Yusuke asks and stretches again and settles with his stomach against the comfortable plush cell. Tomo grinned and motioned his head forward.

“Like a cat would. All stretchy like that and such.”

Yusuke shrugged his shoulders obliviously.

“I suppose we do, though not all... What time is it?”

The vampira looks outside the window and studied Polaris closely. Far off he could see the City had already reactivated the sky limits so that only a thin but impenetrable layer of clouds could be seen. He ignored a burning sensation in his throat and spoke up.

“Mmm about half past seven or so... The city is back up and running its limits. But I am sure we can get past with the others since you're human. Speaking of which we should be getting ready to go...” He trailed off when Yusuke would not stop staring at him with a blank but easily readable expression on his face. Was he concerned? If so then why? “What's the matter?”

Yusuke tilts his head and sits up into an upright position.

“Have you eaten yet? You seem uncomfortable around me.”

'Crap he noticed..!'

“Was it that obvious?” Tomo tries to laugh but finds that difficult as the burning got a tad worse. Yusuke frowned then and it made him even more uncomfortable.

“Why didn't you wake me up sooner?” He questioned. Ashamed Tomo looked away and tried swallowing back the dryness but it didn't help much.

“I didn't want to disturb your sleep... And I wouldn' t want to seem greedy.”

At his insecurity Yusuke ony shakes his head and joins him at the window, looking outside and then to him.

“You're hopeless,” he sighs with a giggle. “Come here then, so we can get going like you wanted to.”

Tomo's breath hitched when Yusuke pulled the collar of his shirt down a little bit to expose the thin juncture of skin at his neck. He could see, smell and hear the pulse of blood through his veins... He touched the collarbone lightly with his fingertips at first, seeing Yusuke flush red, as did any human because they all had the same damn blood color!

“You're sure..?”

Yusuke nods and shoots him a look.

“Would I say it if I didn't want it?”

Tomo smiled and shrugs.

“I don't know,” he admits and fingers a bit of the blonde hair on his neck. Yusuke scoffed and pulled lower to show more skin.

“Are you going to bite me or not?”

He laughed and allowed himself closer to Yusuke's skin to examine the blue tinted veins under the skin. A deep red spread to Yusuke's ears when Tomo's lips ghosted across his skin and he smiles.

“Looks like someone else has become demanding.. Haven't we?”

The blonde wanted to respond but found the words catching in his throat as four teeth started to sink deep into his flesh. Tomo sucked hard but at the same time was gentle about it. First came the pain. The stinging, sharp, pressurized-needle like pain that felt like you were being swarmed by hundreds of mosquitoes at once. Then the odd numbness, similar to an alcoholic binge. And then... Yusuke didn't quite have time to scream because the most peculiar thing had... Started happening. Just when he thought the pain wouldn't stop, it all ebbed away and was replaced by a... Tingly sensation all up and down his spine.

A small weak gasp was all he could manage and he fell into Tomo's arms with his mouth in an o shape. The feeling was much more pleasant now but he didn't know why. Yusuke moaned and made the vampira growl, a rumbling guttural vibration travelling all through his skin and straight to his core that made him unwittingly purr in his throat like a kitten.

Tomo swallowed mouthful after mouthful down his throat and kept Yusuke upright in his arms the whole time. After a bit Yusuke started to push against his mouth and made small whimpers. The loss of blood was starting to really affect him.

“To... Tomo.... I'm getting... Getting Dizzy...”

The vampira noticed the lethargic way Yusuke's eyes crossed despite the heavenly taste of his blood. He took one last mouthful before pulling away finally and bringing Yusuke to the bed. The blonde lay there for a moment and tried to catch his breath.

“Sorry... I got carried away,” Tomo pants and runs his fingers across the bite marks. “Um... Are you all right?”

Yusuke rolled his eyes and tried to sit up but he grew dizzy once more.

“I don't really know... You didn't take so much last time... Unh, can't you like, make my headache go away?”

Tomo smiled and grabbed a hold of his wrist like last time and bit him there but didn't take any blood. Instead he injected a special clear fluid into him and licked at the wounds to heal the punctured skin and make his blood cells start multiplying again.

“Feeling better?” He asks quietly. Yusuke took a deep breath and nods.

“Mmm. Much better. Thanks... What did you just put into me?”

“Well just some of my anti-venom; It forces your blood to replenish itself and the wounds to close up. It's all a part of maturing vampira's arsenal of weapons...”

Yusuke shivered and felt Tomo's arms go around him for a hug. It wasn't often that Tomo did this for anyone... No one actually. But it felt nice. This close contact with Yusuke was... Nice. He and the human really did make quite a pair didn't they?


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