Chapter 9

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Yusuke was very nervous right now. He was nervous about Tomo and himself being here, that something might go wrong. Sometimes the City Council tore apart relationships they deemed too unsafe for the human in question. They don't give a damn about the vamp but their precious humans were too important to them. At least, that was what it seemed like to him. Who knows he could have been wrong.

He just hoped he was good enough, especially after the past few years of preparing for this. His blood was all clean, he was physically and mentally healthy. He also had no criminal past so he was certain he was not going to be disqualified. There were too many things he sacrificed only for it to all be taken away.

He fidgets in his seat at one row of big white tables that wrapped around a big circular room also in white. It reminded him of the classroom in his school with rows of seats rising from the floor almost to the ceiling, about fifteen feet or so. It was like a big hospital room with sterile smelling air and a strict no dirt policy.

Of course there were other people here as well, other humans like him and dressed in the same black and white uniform. There were no vamps in here though. They were in a separate room being I.D'd by older vamps and other humans to make sure they were all healthy.

They were here because this was the process for the humans to be paired with their vamp officially, and each human was paired with a number and after getting screened returned to their human in a separate room to test their compatibility together. There were already a few humans who had gotten the test done and left behind a few empty seats.

Yusuke had managed to find Takashi and picked his seat next to the shy human. He too looked nervous, wringing his fingers in his shirt and crossing then uncrossing his legs in irregular patterns. At least they could sit together and not be alone. Yusuke smiled because he knew exactly how he was feeling. The feeling of your insides twisting and squirming with anxiety about not knowing what was going to happen was all too familiar with him. There was a reason for all of this he knew, but it didn't do much to calm his nerves.

"It'll be okay," he said and gains Takashi's attention. "Soon they'll call us and we'll be with them again."

Takashi smiled at Yusuke then bit his lips while twirling a strand of purple hair between his fingers.

"He said the 'L' word last night, before we went to sleep," he says quietly and a pink tint spreads across his face. "Even though we had only met last night, he said he and I were meant to be with each other, cliche as it sounds. The vamp he fought before was intent on getting to me, but I am glad he got to me first."

Yusuke smiled bright and turned more in his seat, excited to hear about their relationship.

"That's great, Takashi! He really seems to care about you I can tell. You do fit perfect together."

Takashi's small smile gets bigger and his blush gets worse as he tries to hide behind his hand.

"Well, I think you and Tomo go together perfect as well. Really you do."

At his earnestness Yusuke also blushed before mumbling a small thanks. They kept making small talk and found that they really got along well, almost like friends. When he asked Takashi where he lived, as it turns out, he lived in the tower just across from his own on the thirtieth floor. What a coincidence that was. He also had a guardian, a small tabby cat he named Calypso.

He wanted to continue talking to his new friend but then they both freeze when one of them hears one of their names called. It was Yusuke first, which meant that their conversation was to be cut short.

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