chapter 5

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- the next morning

Dee Dee was the first to wake she felt an arm drizzled around her waist. A smile was instantly found on her face as she remembered the night she had before with Tom, but soon the smile fell as she remembered that she would be leaving that afternoon.

She turned around in his arms. Smiling up at him, he looked so peaceful in his sleep. Her mind drifted back to last night, the dinner, his words, the lovemaking after. Dee Dee was in complete heaven.

After a few minutes of staring at him, she decided to make him some breakfast. She carefully untangled herself from his embrace and walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Walking downstairs she thought she would attempt to make pancakes. She had only ever made them once before when she was first dating Eddie

She searched up the recipe and got to work. She made the batter and was very pleased with it. As she got ready to pour it into the pan her phone started ringing. "Hello?" she answered, "good morning Dee Dee!" Stephen her agent greeted with pure glee.

"Oh good morning Stephen, why are you so ecstatic this early?" Dee Dee questioned, "Well Dee, today my star comes back home!" Stephen rejoiced

During the time Dee Dee was on the phone Tom was awoken by his alarm, he forgot to switch it off last night. He quickly snoozed it and turned to cuddle Dee Dee but was disappointed to find her side empty and cold, indicating she had been up for a while.

He sighed and got up. After brushing his teeth, he followed the smell of pancakes and the muffled voice of Dee Dee.

"Stephen you know I feel humiliated after what happened."Dee Dee confessed, not knowing Tom was walking into the kitchen. He slowly approached her and snaked his arms around her.

"Good morning, sunshine" he whispered into her ear. She respond by tilting her head up and connecting their lips, when they pulled back she whispered back "Morning lovebug."

"Stephen I gotta go, loverboy Tom just walked in."She told Stephen who replied "Right, send my love to loverboy. See you soon my star." and hung up. "I made breakfast." Dee Dee stated, motioning to the stack of pancakes on the counter.

They both got settled at the breakfast bar and started eating. After breakfast, Tom encouraged Dee Dee to go shower while he cleans.


Finishing up her shower, Dee Dee got dressed in a black pants suit. Walking downstairs she found Tom sitting on the couch in the living room. She stood behind him and thought about how hard she had fallen for him and how much she appreciated him

"I'm done, Lovebug." Dee Dee stated, announcing her presence.

Tom turned around and smiled at her, she looked so beautiful. He got up and walked up to her, wrapped his arms around her, and said "let's stay like this forever."

Dee Dee responded by holding him tighter "I would like that, but it's time." and regretfully pulled away. " I love you, Tom."

"I love you too, Dee Dee," he replied with a kiss to her forehead. "I'll go get your bags."


The ride to the airport was filled with laughter, music, and singing.

They were both filled with misery knowing that they won't see each other for 2-6 weeks but made sure to spend as much time together.

At the airport, Tom helped her with her bags and watched as her plane took off. He instantly missed her. He missed her scent, her laugh, her smile, everything.

Dee Dee felt the same way, she missed him, she wanted more time with him but this is an important move for her career.


When the plane landed Dee Dee got everything and exited it. She was immediately greeted by Barry and Angie which made her so happy, but that happiness soon faded when she saw him. Eddie Sharp. The man who took all her money and left her heartbroken. "What is HE doing here," she asked her friends. "I don't know he was here when we arrived," Angie replied. When Dee Dee saw him approaching her, she felt a rush of anger. "Dee Dee! You're really here." He greeted cheerfully. "Eddie, what are you doing here?" Bary asked to which he answered " I heard Dee Dee was coming back and wanted to say hello." he turned to her and said, "Hello Dee."

Dee Dee decided to be civil and greeted him back "Hello Eddie." she turned to barry "Where will I be staying?"

"At Sheraton times squar, Stephan booked it" Barry replied "Great now take me there."Dee Dee requested as Angie spoke "I gotta go, I have a date later. Sorry." with that she sped out of the airport. "Right so Barry, you can take me right?"

"Of course Dee...hold on"Barry spoke as he got a phone call. "Mmhmm okay, yeah. Sorry Dee my mom needs help. I have to go help her. I'm sorry." wit that he left and it was only Dee Dee and Eddie. "I have to take a taxi now?" she thought out loud. "Of course not, I have a car, Dee Dee," Eddie responded.

"Eddie, why are you doing this?" Dee Dee asked. "You hate public transport.." He was cut off by Dee Dee "No I mean why are you here?"

"I heard you were back in town, I wanted to see how you were," Eddie replied while taking her bags and walking towards the exit


Hey besties😘

sorry it took me so long to update, I've just been so busy and I'm sorry if this chapter is boring I just needed a build-up chapter

Ill update soon!

Love yall stay safe! ❤

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