chapter 7

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The next morning Dee Dee was awoken by her alarm clock, she felt an arm around her waist. For a second she thought it was Tom when she turned around she was shocked to find Eddie. She carefully got up and walk into the bathroom, to brush her teeth. After that, she walked back into the bedroom, rolling her eyes when she saw Eddie still fast asleep. She stood there watching him, laughing at him snoring.

"Shit, I gotta get ready." She hissed when she saw the time. Dee Dee quickly got into the shower. Eddie woke up when he heard the shower turn on. He got up and made Dee Dee some coffee, knowing she wouldn't eat breakfast now. Dee Dee switched off the shower, grabbed the towel. she realized she left her stuff back in the bedroom.

She opened the door thinking Eddie was still asleep, her towel barely covering her body "Morning bug." Eddie said, frightening her, making her expose her breasts "Eddie what the fuck?" Eddie walked up to her "Nothing I ain't seen," kissing her on the cheek.

Dee Dee rolled her eyes, got her stuff, and got ready. Eddie sat on the bed watching Dee Dee get ready. "I made you some coffee, it's in your travel mug," Eddie said, "Thank you, I'm taking your car." she grabbed her purse, script, coffee, and the car keys.


After rehearsals, Dee Dee got in the car and sat there. She thought about Tom, she felt like she was cheating on him, technically she did. She felt terrible. Then she thought about Eddie he had changed.

She needed some advice, so she called Barry, "Barry El Barrista, 20 mins." Dee Dee spoke when Barry answered.

Within the next 16 minutes, Dee Dee was at the cafe waiting for Barry. She observed the place, it has been their hangout spot ever since they became friends. Barry arrived 2 minutes later. "Spill." He said when he sat down. "I think I still have feelings for Eddie." She got out before the waiter came, Dee ordered a hot Latte and Barry a matcha green tea.

"You still have what?!" Barry exclaimed once the waiter left. "What happened in the last 24 hours? Start at the airport, what happened?"

"He took me to my hotel and helped me get settled. Then afterward he took me out for dinner and drove me around the city. We kissed..." she was cut off by Barry "YOU KISSED?!" Just then the waiter came back with their drinks

"Shut up Barry, yes we kissed, twice..." "TWICE oh my god."

"Oh my god barry, YES twice, he slept there, i... I have his car right now." she chuckled as she realized she had been using his car all day. "Tom, I love Tom, and I don't want to lose him. With Tom, it's all so new and exciting, but with Eddie, it's all so familiar and safe."

"Dee Dee, as much as I love that you're getting what you should have gotten years ago with Eddie, He still cheated..." "But he's changed barry, I know it."

"Dee, I don't want you to get hurt, you sounded so happy with Tom." Barry replied just as Dee Dee's phone started ringing, "Hold on, it Eddie, He probably wants his car."

"Hello Eddie," she greeted "Hey bug, listen I need to go get the lunch I ordered for us, I thought it would get delivered but I was wrong, so can you just bring my car around, of course only if you're done with rehearsals." Dee Dee felt, even more, conflicted, "why don't I just go pick it up?" she offered "Now I don't want you going through all that trouble bug." Eddie responded, "It's not, what place?" .Barry just sat there listening to the conversation, finishing his tea.

"Katz's Delicatessen," Eddie told Dee Dee, "okay, be there in 30mins." and she ended the call, "Barry i-" she was cut off "Gotta go, got it. Just be careful. Now go!"

Dee Dee picked up the lunch and made her way to the hotel. When she opened the door, she found Eddie still in bed, on his laptop "Eddie, I got the lunch." She said announcing her presents.

"Bug, thank you so much, come sit," he said patting the seat next to him. Dee Dee walked over and sat next to him.

While eating Eddie told Dee Dee about his day and vise versa. Eddie offered to clean up, while Dee Dee got comfortable. While changing into more comfortable clothes, Dee Dee kept on thinking about Tom and their first time together, her mind drifter to the car, then drifted to he and Eddies first time, ironically it was also in a car. Eddie was so different back then, all he wanted was her body. Now he actually wants to spend time with her.


Hey bestie
Sorry about the short-ish chapter, I just won't be able to update for a while and I don't want bestie Isabelle to have a stroke 🥲
Love y'all, stay safe ❤️

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