Chapter 11

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"What? Is it bad? here let me see" Dee Dee yanked the newspaper out of Tom's hands.

Dee Dee's eyes widened.

Splattered right on page 4 "Broadway star Dee Dee Allen seen making out with ex-husband" with a picture of her and Eddie making out the day before against Eddie's car.

"what? how?" Dee Dee questioned.

"HOW? What do you mean HOW?" Tom's eyebrows came together.

"How did they get a picture of this..?"

"THATS your concern?! Dee Dee before I get angry I'm going to let you explain." Tom said trying to control his anger.

Dee Dee put her hand against her head, trying to remember when this happened. "OH, yes, Tom, I was drunk. Eddie was taking advantage of that." then it clicked in her head "OHH TOM, Eddie's-"

She was cut off, "Dee Dee you're lite- you're the one pining him against the car."

"Tom you're not letting me fin-"

"you know what, I can't stay here. I'm going out. I don't know where. I call you later." with that Tom hurried out the door

"-ish" Dee Dee just sat there staring at the article. She felt violated, how could he? Why is he doing this? Does he want more money? She doesn't know what to do.

"I'm losing him" she yelled, jumping up and running out the door.

Walking through the lobby, Tom felt humiliated, disgusted and. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't stop playing the picture over and over in his head. How far did it go? how could she? I thought we meant something. Did we mean something to her? His thoughts were running wild.

"you're just some hick town high school teacher, can't even tell the difference between fantasy and reality"

Was this just fantasy?

Just as he reached the entrance, about to exit the hotel, he heard Dee Dee call his name. He reluctantly turned around, his eyebrows pulled apart. Seeing Dee Dee running across the lobby towards him His heart skipped a beat, he couldn't help it. Almost in slow motion, Her hair was messy and she had thrown on a robe, it wasn't tided and the belt(thing) was dragged behind her.

"Tom wait!" she yelled

He recomposed himself, his face serious again. She stopped right in Infront of him, slightly panting.

"what Dee Dee?"

"Tom you didn't let me finish, listen-"

"you know what Dee Dee, I think I've..heard enough"
"See you're doing it again not letting me finish"

Their voices overlapping each other.

Dee Dee was becoming more and more frustrated, they were getting nowhere "TOM! LISTEN!"

The whole lobby went quiet. She quickly looked around, realizing she yelled. "Tom come here" She guided him towards the lounge, encouraging him to sit.

"Tom, you've got to let me speak. We're getting nowhere, I know you probably have many questions but just be quiet and listen please." she began. Tom responded but raising his eyebrows, encouraging her to go on.

She took a deep breath "Okay, so. It happened on my first night here." 

Tom felt uncomfortable and adjusted himself in his seat. Dee Dee noticed this and gave him an apologetic look. 

"I had just arrived in new york. He took me to my hotel, but only cause neither Barry nor Angie could. Anyway, he helped me to get settled. He took me out to dinner, I only agreed cause I was feeling lonely and I missed you, Tom."

Tom raised his hand "Don't"

Sighing, Dee Dee continued, " We went out. We drank, a lot and well, you know how I am when I'm drunk. He also knows that and he.. he took advantage of me."

"oh please Dee Dee, I need some time to process everything. Give me time." Tom got up and left Dee Dee alone. She placed her head in her hands and started crying, she felt frustrated. She explained everything and he just leaves. After a few minutes, she got up and went back to her hotel room. Opening the door, she saw the coffee, the unmade bed, and clothes scattered on the floor "What a mess." she said and began picking up the clothes. 


Tom was just walking around new york, as he really didn't have anywhere to go, he didn't book a hotel, he knew no one there apart from Barry, Angie, and Trent but he really wasn't in the mood to talk to them.

He walked to a nearby cafe and got some breakfast, a coffee, and a bagel. As he was sitting there, eating he was thinking of Dee Dee and their situation. He was really angry, but he also missed her. He also knew what a prick Eddie was, back in Indiana Dee Dee explained to Tom what it was like being married to him. He still felt betrayed.


Back in the hotel, Dee Dee sat on the now-made, bed. She had cleaned the room, washed up, and gotten dressed in a pantsuit. 

She wanted to call Tom but knew he needed space, she felt for him. She knows firsthand what it's like to be cheated on. She was brought out of her thoughts by her cell phone ringing, she hurriedly pick it up, hoping it was Tom. To her disappointment it was Barry.

"Dee Dee, what the fuck?" She heard once she answered.

"Hi Barry," she replied in a sarcastic tone. 

"Oh don't, whats this about you and your ex-husband who crushed your delicate blueberry heart?"

"Oh please, Barry I feel terrible, come over and I'll explain," she said. Barry immediately ended the call and rushed over.


Barry arrived in approximately 20 minutes with ice cream and wine. After hearing the situation Barry knew what she had to do, he just wasn't sure how she'd react. 
"Dee Dee here's what you're going to do, you're going to call Eddie.."

"What? why would I call HIM?' Dee Dee, frustrated, asked.

"Listen, call Eddie, and tell him you don't want any contact with him, at all. You want him to leave you alone. Then you're gonna find Tom and tell him how much he means to you, and how much you love him. apologize, fall on your knees if you have to."

Dee Dee stared at Barry for a second before grabbing her phone. 

"This better be the last time I save your ass..." Barry said as he walked out of the room.


HI Guys!

I'm almost done with exams, hopefully, ill write more during the holidays (I really doubt that LMFAO) 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I hope when things get resolved between these two the book doesn't get boring. 

Love you guys. stay safe <33

(recommend some tv shows, movies and books (real or on wattpad) please lmao)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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