chapter 6

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Dee Dee got settled in her hotel room, with the help of Eddie. Surprisingly they were very civil no arguments or fights just them putting all her belongings in place. "Alright, that's everything," Eddie stated whilst putting her bag in the closet where she always stored it. He carefully sat on the couch that faced the tv, where Dee Dee was plugging in her phone "Thanks, Eddie." She thanked him, walked over to where he was seated, and sat next to him. "You're so welcome Bug," Eddie responded taking a risk with the nickname, he used to call her 'bug' when they were dating and also during their marriage.

Dee Dee didn't know how to respond to the nickname so she just glared at him for a few seconds before asking " Will you be staying for dinner?" A smirk appeared on Eddie's face "If you'll have me." Dee Dee rolled her eyes and stood up "Fine, only because I don't wanna be lonely. We have three options, we cook, room service, or go to a restaurant." Eddie took a few seconds to reply "What about we go out, like the old days, I pay this time." He joked, Dee Dee didn't find this funny in any way "it's about time." She muttered. Eddie heard this remark but didn't acknowledge it "ill pick you up at 7" He said opening the door "Be ready, bug." and left.

Dee Dee rolled her eyes and ventured into her closet where she very quickly packed her clothes and tried to pick out what to wear. It took her longer than usual, she had to find the perfect, appropriate, outfit. She had to prove a point, she had moved on with her life, but she also had to keep in mind that this was in fact her ex-husband and she was dating someone else. Soon enough she found the perfect dress. It was a Jacquard wool-blend mini dress. She debated whether or not to wear it, considering it was a mini dress she thought it was too improper but if she paired it with stockings it would be more suitable. So that's what she did, she paired it with black tights, her matching 1945 large jacquard and leather clutch, and her so-kate 120 patent leather pumps.

7 pm soon came and Dee Dee found herself anxiously waiting for him. "Dee Dee, it's just a casual dinner with your ex-husband." She reminded herself. A knock on the door brought her out of her thoughts, she didn't want to seem eager so she waited a few seconds before opening the door. Opening it she found Eddie holding a bouquet of red and white orchids. He looked at her and lost his breath. "Wow, you're wearing a dress that's above your knees? now that takes me back." Dee Dee stepped aside to let him in "Your favorite if I remember correctly." Eddie said handing her the flowers which she gratefully took "Thank you, Eddie." she placed them in a vase. Turning around to face him, she observed him, he was wearing a grey-ish suit. She strangely found him attractive "Like what you're seeing, Bug?" Eddie asked which brought her back to reality. "Shut up, I'm hungry let's go." Dee Dee responded. Eddie chuckled and held his arm out for her to take.


Eddie had been the perfect gentleman over dinner, Dee Dee was shocked at his kind behavior. After dinner Eddie suggested they go on a drive, no destination. Dee Dee agreed "Fine, only 'cause I don't want to be alone right now and both Angie and Barry are busy." She explained. "Okay, bug let's go." He said and opened her door. She got in and Eddie closed the door then got in as well.

As they drove through New York, Dee Dee realized how much she missed the city. Soon a thought struck her "Eddie, I need to make a call."

"Okay, ill pullover at the park." and so he did, she got out and called Tom who answered immediately "Hey lovebug." She greeted him "Hello sunshine, how was your day" Dee Dee told him about her day, made sure not to tell him about going to dinner with Eddie she Wasnt sure how he'd react.

After Tom told her about his day she remembered Eddie was waiting for her "LIsten Tom I gotta go, I have rehearsals tomorrow." Tom was really understanding "Yes, of course, Sunshine. I love you." And with that ended the call. Dee Dee stood there feeling guilty "It's not like I'm cheating." she thought. "Bug, you ready to go?" Eddie asked, bringing her from her thoughts. "Oh yeah, let's go." She answered

The both of them got in his car when Eddie spoke "Bug, you've been thinking a lot, are you okay?" Dee Dee side-eyed him with pursed lips "Oh, so you actually pay attention now?" Eddie sighed "Bug, I know I was a bitch during our marriage and I'm sorry." Dee Dee was now fully looking at him "oh NOW you're sorry? NOW you admit you were a bad husband? after what 4 years? we've been divorced for 4 years, DO you really think I would just forgive you, after what, a car ride through the city? helping me get to my hotel? taking me out to dinner? All things you should have done when we were married!"

Eddie was feeling guilty but he found her so hot at that moment so he grabbed her head and kissed her, hard. Dee Dee was shocked and kissed back for a few seconds before pulling away "WHAT THE HELL?" she shouted, she didn't want to admit it but she wanted more.

"I'm sorry, bug. You just looked so hot and beautiful at that moment, I couldn't, not kiss you." Dee Dee stared at him then grabbed his face and attacked his lips. They kept their lips connected, but a voice came to Dee Dee " 'at least I'm not cheating '? Really Dee, this looks like cheating to me." that made Dee Dee pull away

"Eddie take me home." She commanded very coldly, Eddie sighed and started the car.

The car ride to her hotel was quiet Eddie didn't dare say anything. When they arrived at the hotel Dee Dee turned to face Eddie "Goodbye Eddie." she coldly said and got out, slamming the door. Eddie watched as she walked away. He felt extremely guilty.


Once Dee Dee reached her hotel room she ran over to the bed, grabbed a pillow, and screamed into it. Her mind drifted back to how it felt to kiss Eddie, it felt so different yet so familiar, she wanted to have that feeling again, she wanted to feel a familiar type of love. She got up from her bed and reached for her phone, contemplating whether or not to call him. She sighed as she clicked on his number, her heart beating fast as she heard the phone ringing "Hello, bug everything good?" she heard from the other end of the phone, Dee Dee took a deep breath "Come over, please." The last part almost inaudible, Eddie almost immediately jumped up "Be there in 5."

Dee Dee impatiently waited for him, when she heard a knock on the door she ran towards it and opened it, revealing Eddie, he had an overnight bag "I brought some stuff for-" He was cut off by Dee Dee's lips on his.

She pulled him inside and shut the door by slamming Eddie into it. When they pulled apart Eddie smiled " -a movie night, but this works too." Dee Dee was overwhelmed with joy "I choose."


Heyy besties!

I was going to write even more, but I've made yall wait to long lol

Uh really Dee? I cant lmaooo

anyways hope yall enjoyed lol

Love yall and stay safe <3

Credits: khstreeper

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