Chapter 5 The Top 5 (Rewritten)

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Divine: Such bravado! I can appreciate it, I truly can, but the thing about bravado... Is that you gotta back it up!

I said before proceeding to attack Kallavan, I had finally adapted, it was time to overcome, to finally defeat him and on a refreshing twist of events I decided to finally go on the offensive

Divine: (Alright, I know what he can do, time to go on to the next phase)

I thought to myself as I replaced my cocky smirk with a blank and cold expression, my fighting style consisted on figuring out what my opponent could do and then start reading their every move, start predicting them, I threw a straight punch that he dodged to the right, now that I thought about it, there was a chance he was right handed although his left was quite convincing but he definitely wasn't naturally ambidextrous. Regardless, I could see through that, but going back to reality, I spun around my heel and threw a back kick that he ducked under but I knew he'd stay in range to seize a shot at my back, so as he threw it I dropped to the ground, repositioned myself and hit his tibia with my heel

Divine: ( Not bad, not bad...)

Obviously, I didn't break his leg but this was just a test and a bit of a flex while at it

Divine: ...

I watched Kallavan limp back a little bit, he muttered a few curses, took a deep breath and got back into a fighting stance

Kallavan: It's clear I'm not the only one with aces up my sleeves

He said acknowledging that I got him

Divine: Aces up OUR sleeves, I just don't know what they are... Yet

Kallavan gritted his teeth at this but to be fair, I WAS stealing his moves but if he wanted to keep them to himself, too bad, he shouldn't be showing them off

Kallavan: Feel free to try and copy me all you lile...

He said letting go of his annoyance, he then charged at me and attacked me, he went for a hook, I ducked under it in an attempt to slip behind him, I tried to attack and he grabbed my fist, I tried to pull away but he still had me and punched me right in the jaw

Divine: (How did you slip up like that? Focus!)

I yelled at myself and jumped right back onto my feet and regained my composure breathing and exhaling deeply, I was going to win. I moved forward and tried punching again, he dodged, of course, he then tried to punch back so I crouched and kicked his leg off it's position to knock him off balance and uppercut him as he fell, he moved, I followed up by spinning again and kicking down from above but he blocked it and stepped back

Divine: (Dammit...)

I thought bitterly, I had a clear upperhand not long ago, one that was gone now that we were both huffing and puffing, stuck in a stalemate

Kallavan: I've met many soldiers in my lifetime, fought alongside some, killed another bunch, after all of that I like to think I'm good at judging a soldier's character

He said looking up reminiscing, thinking back to all he's gone through

Kallavan: By looking at a soldier I can tell how strong their will is, what motivates them to fight and when I look at you I see no resolve, no motivation, when you fight you aren't thinking of anyone nor anything, all I see is a moving body, the man within is dead and all that's left is to destroy the body

He continued effectively stunning me, I could feel my very soul shaking, it was weird, why was I fighting? Why was I so hellbent on winning? Was it the promise? But how much did that move me? Was it me wanting to see Dawn and Joshua again?

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