Chapter 10 Nothing To Do But Indulge (Rewritten)

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Culte's POV

Once Eliezer and I got into the room I locked the door, while I did that she took a seat on my bed and patiently waited for me to finish the task

Eliezer: Why did you bring me here?

She asked and before answering I placed a chair before her and sat on it

Culte: I just wanted to make sure you had actually forgiven me

I said, I had a feeling that things had been resolved way too easily considering just the scale and she went silent, which was enough to confirm my thoughts

Culte: Knew it... You decided to not push the topic because Kallavan was there, right? I too think he shouldn't meddle in our issues too much

I said and I didn't blame him, he WAS our dad and I was literally going to kill myself over our fight so of course he'd intervene but we should've talked it out on our own, splitting up isn't the answer to our problems

Culte: I'll start

I took a deep sigh and commenced

Culte: Everything I said during my conversation with Kallavan was true

I said, I let those words sink in for a minute and Eliezer responded

Eliezer: Everything?

She asked fixing her eyes on the ground

Culte: Yeah, but if you're worried I'll kill you both in your sleep there's no need for that, truth is that I care too much about both you and Kallavan to do it, as long as it remains that way we're good

I said trying to reassure her by slightly downplaying the situation but she lifted her head and shot me a nasty glare that froze the blood in my veins

Eliezer: When we met you promised that you'd always protect me, you saved me from a life as a tool and I am greatful for it

She said

Eliezer: But after all that you just tried to abandon me, to leave me behind!

She exclaimed with her teeth gritted

Eliezer: You call that protection?!

She questioned, this wasn't going to end well, that much had become painfully obvious by now

Culte: It is if the one you're to be protected from is me

I answered, it was simply how I felt in the heat of the moment

Eliezer: ...

She briefly paused and softened her features but that didn't mean that she was going to go any easier on me

Eliezer: How could you be cruel and selfish enough to burden Kallavan, who considers you the son he never had with your death?

She said not sounding as angry as before but rather distraught

Culte: I gave him a choice!

I exclaimed in an attempt to make her see my reasoning

Eliezer: Killing you or letting you kill yourself is a choice?!

She yelled making me wince, she wasn't having any of it, it felt like I had done all that for no reason

Eliezer: You truly don't care about anyone but me, do you? Gaster, Kallavan... You'll hurt them without a 2nd thought on a whim, won't you?

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