Chapter 15 Base Break

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(Back when Culte and Eliezer splitted up...)

Divine's POV

About a year has passed... I'm still stuck in here, however and I've yet to hear about the rest, what if they're dead? I only had one job! God dammit Divine, you promised! The one thing Doris ever asks of you and yet-! No, no, no, they're alive, I can save them, I can fulfill my promise but to do so I gotta make it out of this cell without damaging or touching the bars, if I do Kallavan and the damn feminist will jump me before I even get 2 steps in.

Divine: (Doris, why? Why would you place your hopes and will on someone like me? Why do I have to bear such a burden-?)

I wondered quite discouraged but I couldn't be, I had no right to be despite this plight, but I couldn't do this! This was too much!

Divine: Ugh! Shut up! Doris DIED for you, you poor excuse of a-! Tch! JUST. SHUT. UP!

I yelled overwhelmed by the realization I had been imprisoned in here for so long and the weight of the burden I now carried, I was spouting nonsense, being unreasonable, a buffoon, a foolish buffoon, I needed to keep it together and find a solution instead of weep. I soon enough recovered my composure, the conditions my escape had to meet were not touching the bar and despite that to still get to the other side

Divine: I've got my work cut out for me...

I murmured, a while passed and something finally came to mind, during Gaster's interrogation I was shown how I somehow made a bones rise from the ground and used them as a means of attack. This, however, was something I had little to no recollection of but I kept attempting to recall what occured and eventually succeded, I saw myself tossing Gaster around, attacking The Damned Feminist and then being knonked out but that wasn't it, I remembered seeing rubble on a corner of my eye to then have said rubble disappear and shortly after reappear somewhere else, this was something that happened multiple times

Divine: Teleportation...

I groused, that was something that could work, as a matter of fact, if I could pull it off it would surely work, I'd be out of here, I'd be able to gather the Téras and teleport out of here. Not having ever utilized this ability I closed my eyes focusing on where I wanted to be, I visualized myself on the spot I wanted to be on, like I was already there and once I opened my eyes I was there

Divine: (Finally... After who knows how long of suffering they're going to pay, all of them)

I brooded, I had no intentio to kill anyone but I at the same time wasn't going to be merciful in any capacity to any that'd dare stand on my way and thus the massacre commenced, soon enough the alarms echoed in the entire area and still no trace of Kallavan nor The Damn Feminist. Many soldiers got on my way but I didn't bother to try to knock them out, I focused on breaking their limbs, mainly their legs to stop them, I was in a weakened state, I didn't get the priviledge of getting to be merciful

Divine: (Where's Gaster...?)

I thought to myself not really knowing where I could find him so I started checking literally everywhere and during my search I heard an explosion, that was weird, we were indoors, it'd take an idiot to throw a grenade indoors so I went to check it out and saw a white haired boy shuddering, in front of him were men who had very bad looking burns and the boy rose his hand, a little star forming in it, it grew and he fired but I swatted his arm away and made him miss

Divine: I think that that's enough

I said frightening him, so much that he attempted to attack me with another star, I easily side stepped it but not getting the message he tried again so I pinned him to the ground

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