Chapter 2 An unforgettable promise (Rewritten)

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After what the class' clock indicated to have been a brief 3 hours that I'd swear on my life had to have been several decades, recess came and unlike most I wasn't looking forward to it. The issue wasn't that I was some workaholic incapable of apreciating the virtues of a break but said did lose some appeal if all I could do was either stand around or chat with other students and I wasn't one for small talk

I was standing in the sun now and only reason it wasn't all that boring was that I could watch others, they'd play, smile, laugh... I did do that with both Joshua and Dawn sometimes but I didn't quite fit in with their other friends, honestly, calling us friends was overselling it, my  relationship with them was shallow, I hardly knew anything about them, even Dawn who I had known for far longer, we just get along

Divine: Is getting along the same as being friends?

I thought to myself, I then thought about the way Dawn looked at Joshua, I had never seen her smile so brightly and I knew that I had to let go, I knew that but I couldn't... I quickly shook my head trying to push that thought away and instead got back to watching again, it made me feel like I was some sort of observer, a third party of sorts, I felts slight anger and sadness at the prospect that I expressed in the form of closing my knuckles shut to the point of them whitening. Next thing I felt was a tightening sensation in my chest, a bit of a belly ache too along with an increasingly painful headache, the sharp throbbing pain it caused me was unbearable, unlike anything I had ever experienced. I stumbled into the main building, searching for an empty classroom, I did my best to not be seen and even then Doris came dangerously close to catching me, after a few attempts on locked doors I finally found an empty open classroom

Divine: What's... going on...?

I asked myself in between pants and groans, it felt like I was losing my mind, everything was spinning, I grabbed my head in an attempt to keep it together but it all instead worsened and I started seeing things, flashes of things, things that weren't there. What was it that I was seeing? Visions? Allucinations? No, no, they had to be something different, there had to be a reason for the feeling of déjà vu these... Flashbacks caused me, there was dust, lots of it, there was also a man, carrying a blade, grass at our feet, all covered in dust and blood, some of it on my hands. Slowly but surely the sight of the scene got clearer only to suddenly vanish, poof, went away fast as it came, it thankfully took the headache away with too but it left me with questions, enough of them to cause myself another headache. Who was I with? Where were we? Why was there so much blood and dust? Was I in some grass field? Those were the obvious questions but the not so obvious question was why was it that I found mere dust so unsightly. The blood hardly faced me so why did dust? This was disconcerting, I paced around the classroom thinking, pacing, unable to get the things I saw off my mind, the thoughts haunted me

Divine: Forget! Forget! Forget! This made no sense!

I exclaimed fretful and bemused, that couldn't possibly be real. I thought this over long and hard, before I even noticed an entire period had passed, it was about time I went back to class, couldn't have Doris calling home. Once I got there I rested my hand on the door's handle, I looked pitiful, only now did I notice the tears I couldn't stop myself from letting out due to the agony of earlier's headaches and with a sigh I allowed myself in. As soon as I did so all eyes were on me, judging by the surprise on their faces they didn't even notice my abscence

Divine: (Why did I even bother coming back?)

I said questioning myself, I always found creepy how we'd all turn around to look at any person that entered our classroom like they were some intruder but I was no better so I couldn't complain much, I just hung my camouflage patterned jacket and calmly sat on my seat, like I hadn't interrupted the flow of the class

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