Chapter 6 Reunion (Rewritten)

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??'s POV

??: Here... AGAIN... Remind me why we're wasting our time

Said a black haired female exiting a black vehicle

??: Well, I suppose some people just don't know how to give up

I answered shrugging as I too exited the vehicle

??: We'll be back soon

I said, our driver, Colt, nodded in return taking off his glasses and getting comfortable for what would probably be a short but uneventful wait for him

??: They're the scum of society, why can't they just sit still and rot like they deserve?

My partner complained stomping the ground to emphasize her frustration

??: Because even scumbags find freedom something worth fighting for, I can't blame them, I for one am not much better than them, I, in fact are probably worse but no cell could ever hold me

I responded, causing her to visibly perk up

??: I didn't mean it like that! Your case is different, you've more than redeemed yourself by now

She immediately exclaimed, quickly shaking her head franctically

??: I know you meant no harm by that but as to me having redeemed myself, have I truly?

I said assuring her that I wasn't offended

??: Anyways... Why did you take on the job of dealing with this good-for-nothings? It's not like we need the money

She stated and she wasn't wrong but before I answered I motioned for her to follow me, the warden was waiting and it'd be rude to keep stalling

??: We've been sitting around ever since we ended our world tour, don't you want to do something mildly interesting? Besides... We've talked about this, it's time

I said turning to look at her, her mouth gaped, she needed a moment to process what I said, basing myself on her haunted expression I could tell thinking over my words was gut wrenching for her

??: Eliezer, don't worry, think of it as exterminating the scum of the earth, it's easy-

I tried to explain

Eliezer: Easy for you to say! I'm not strong like you, Culte, I can't just... Kill people!

She said briefly lashing out, we both went quiet,we were at a loss as to what to say to the other

Eliezer: I'm sorry...

She muttered softly, it hurt to hear so I hugged her in an attempt to make her feel better because I didn't want her to be a murderer like me but only reason she made it this far was luck, she didn't have the heart to actually kill anyone and that had to change because it could be dangerous, it was an exploitable weakness

Culte: You aren't weak, you're number 2, my right hand, I'll always protect you but if I'm ever not there...

I said not wanting to finish the thought

Culte: Eliezer, listen, I know you can do it, God never gives you more than you can handle and neither would I

I said with pleading eyes, I believed this to be necessary and with a heavy heart she nodded and went along with it, she always trusted my judgement even if it went against hers, this was the highest degree of loyalty and I appreciated it, I hated having to push her this hard but it was for the best so I'd have to ignore her pain. We entered the building and the warden was there to greet us

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