Chapter 1 Routine (Rewritten)

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??'s POV

??: (A new day... But same routine)

I thought climbing down my bed to stand up and spreading my arms wide in the darkness of my room because it WAS quite dark, probably due to it being 6 AM. The room had a pitch black impenetrable atmosphere that I stood within, motionless, glued to the spot as I admired the darkness, I couldn't even see myself, I was so thoroughly covered by it that if I knew no better I could be fooled into believing myself to be a part of it

??: Allowing myself to be gaslighted by darkness of all things? Quite the interesting prospect

I thought as I shook my head with false disapproval and noted that it was unusually cold in here and I hated cold, but there was no time to dwell on that, I had already wasted too much of it internally monologuing. Doris often says that time is our most valuable resource, one we just can't help but keep spending, so since we can't help spending it we should do so the best possible way

??: (6:40 already?)

I thought to myself

Divine: Doris will chew me out again if I'm late...

I lamented and hastily made my way into the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face... All the essentials, I took a minute to look at myself, have a good look to all my features, the most notable being my dark skin, my messy black short curly hair that I couldn't be bothered to brush and my brown eyes bagged by darkened spots below them but I wouldn't say I looked too bad

Divine: (See? You're alright, Divine, looking good, well, maybe don't oversell it... Decent, yeah, let's leave it at that)

I thought to myself shrugging my worries away because worrying would be pointless

Divine: Like a broken pencil

I concluded my thought with a pun out loud and winked at the mirror

Divine: ...

I sighed, it honestly wasn't funny, not one bit, it left me feeling... Well, the problem was quite the opposite, there was no feeling, there was nothing, nada.

Divine: Ugh,  I can't afford to get caught up in my morning shenanigans

I quickly dressed and... Not enough time to eat breakfast, oh well, nothing I could do about it, this happened almost every single day so I was used to it. I left my home and walked towards the bus station, it wasn't too far away so it wasn't long until I had it on my sights

??: Divine? You? On time? Oh this must be a bad omen that spells doom for the entirety if this mortal coil!

Someone said tapping me on the shoulder, I spun around to face him and replied

Divine: Stop it with the fancy talk, will you? You're aware I am capable of punctuality, right?

I said while he gave me an odd look

??: Oh but that is what thoueth says yet the truthest lieth in thouest history thus far

He replied reciting like he was acting a part in a theatrical play winking at me

Divine: Why are you like this...

I sighed feigning annoyance

Joshua: Alright, alright but I'm just saying that that's not what you proved yesterday, or the day before that, or even the day before the day before that or-

He said making sure to rub in each and everyone of those many times I failed to to be punctual, but I had no come back either, unlike him I wasn't a professional dirt collector

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