Chapter 3 Catching on (Rewritten)

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Divine: ( Alive... Great...)

I thought to myself only to notice rubble sticking out of my chest

Divine: (I just promised...)

I muttered in my mind, I couldn't believe that I was already going to die, the rest probably weren't in a much better predicament meaning that I was about to break a promise the very day I made it and to be honest, I had no will to live left, however, I owed Doris to at least try to survive

Divine: This... Can't... BE IT!!

I hollered at the world beyond the rubble that isolated me from the rest of it as I tried to push off the rubble impaling me, I pushed and pushed giving it my best but I simply couldn't do it, I could even hear the tissue composing my muscles tear it however didn't stop me but then again, even if I made it out of here my legs were broken, I'd need my arms to save the others so tearing them to the point of unusufulness didn't seem like a smart thing to do. Freeing myself aside, time was of the essence, I was bleeding out a lot, so much I should already be dead, out of the 5 liters of blood a human body normally contained I had to be bathing in at least 3 which posed another problem, at the rate things were going drowning in my own blood was becoming a concern. Things looked bleak, that was the undeniable truth but in my darkest hour I came across a small beacon of hope, light at the end of the tunnel, a small bright green heart shaped object, oddly enough, my mouth began watering, odd, but not odd enough to not shrug off so I reached out to it and briefly held it on my hand until it disappeared sending a warm sensation that overtook the cold of life leaving me. The warmth was nice, it chased all the pain and numbness away, I felt... Great, actually so I tried pushing the rubble away again, which went quite differently this time, it was easy, I casually lifted who knows how many kg and the wound in my chest quickly closed up

Divine: I got healed and a power up?

I wondered with amazement but something to be noted was that this rush of power was lesser to that that I had felt while fighting the robbers but it was still plenty. Thankfully I was finally out but before me laid several corpses and small bright heart shaped object over them, this was all it took to make it all click, the true nature of the objects and the implications of what I did were now apparent but I wouldn't dwell on them, not now-

Divine: Dawn and Joshua!

I yelled interrupting my deep thinking, I had completely forgotten about them but now that I remembered hurried to dig into the debris, it took a while but I managed to find them, the bodies of some more mangled than those of the others but all in equally dire conditions, they were past the point of recovery but I couldn't let them die, I promised. There was only 1 thing to be done, I gathered 27 of the heart shaped objects and placed them on their chests, I could faintly see their own heart shaped objects assimilating them and I just couldn't help but notice how messed up this was, I was undoubtably guilty, the first time I could've claimed ignorance, not knowing what it was that I was doing even though it should've been obvious but now, I was feeding the very souls of people that I KILLED to my classmates against their will, I was forcing an unspeakeable act upon them, giving them no choice, I also wasn't doing it to save them but to selfishly fulfill my promise to Doris whose blood was also on my hands. This wasn't right, I was a monster

Divine: A liar

I muttered as I stabbed myself with a robber's knife, pulled out and laid on the ground. The police and ambulance were quick to show up, I decided that it would be best to show myself as a fretful traumatized wounded boy that had done all he could to save everyone but only his classmates had survived, I was quickly treated for my injury, I wasn't bleeding much so they priorized my classmate's wellbeing and swiftly took them away, meanwhile the officers investigated the scene and dug out more corpses, one of them approached me

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