Choosing Time Pt. 2

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(Kirstie's POV)

"Avi?" I call for him as he is about to go into the guest bedroom.

"When I asked you to stay. I meant in here." I say and blush.

"Okay Kirst." He comes in and gets in bed next to me but hits his foot on something on the way.

"Oww what's this?" He says holding a black notebook in his hand.

"Avi please don't." He opens it and reads all of the times that I think about guys. I my eyes start watering. He gets in bed.

"You really think this much about the both of us?" I nod. Then he chuckles. "That's really cute." I smile against his chest.

"Avi?" He immediately looks to me.

"Yes?" He looks partly concerned.

"Why do you think Scott didn't care about me today?" His eyes drop.

"Lately he has been giving up hope on you. It affects him to much. He can't rake all the stress of possibly not having you. So he has decided to try to move on." I almost start sobbing. "Shhhh, it is okay babe. These things happen." I freeze immediately.
He just called me babe!! It takes a second to register.

"You just called me babe!" I practically scream.

"Yeah, I do that sometimes when talking to you." I then realize, this isn't the first time he called me babe. "Kirstie, will you be my girlfriend?" Avi asks me blushing heavily.

"Yes, on one condition." I smile at him and he looks at me obviously confused.

"And that would be" I smirk and pat his chest.

"Tell ya in the morning. If you are still here." He sighs and whispers in my ear.

"Then goodnight babe." I shutter but manage to fall asleep. I honestly love this.


Hey my Bass Dragons!! Wassup! So what do you guys think the condition is?!?! I will give you a hint:
it involves time.
Anyway, I loves y'all and hope you guys are doing good! Byeeeeee

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