What just happened?

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(Kirstie's POV)

My emotions are so confused! I don't know who I like anymore!!! Do I like Scott? Avi? Nobody? I have no clue.
As of right now I am still single. Great. I thought Avi would accept my condition but it obviously didn't happen that way.

I sat there for 4 hours trying to debate who I liked. I decide to call Avi. And he answers.

(Bold = Kirstie)

Hey Avi.

Hey Kirstie, what's up?

Nothin, do you want to come over. I am pretty bored.

Sure when do you want me over.

Ugh, like now?

Alright I'll be over in 10. Do I need to bring anything?

No, I got everything here.

(End of phone conversation)

I clean the house until Avi arrives.

"Hey Kirstie, how are you?" Avi says as he hugs me. I hug him back.

"I'm good, again, super bored." He laughs at my comment.

"Yeah I can tell, I would've expected Mitch over here by now." We both laugh.

"Yeah, hey can we talk?" He immediately tenses up. Is he nervous? Maybe.

"Yeah sure." He says with a little tenseness evident in his voice.

"Avi, I will take you up on your offer." He looks at me confused. I sigh.

"I will be your girlfriend." He looks happy.

"I'm happy." He says and hugs me. "Do we really have to start with the slow stuff?" I giggle and kiss him.

"No." He chuckles at me.

"We sit there for a while holding hands and watching various movies. I don't know what's happening anymore. One moment I was calling Avi, the next, I had a boyfriend and I was holding his hand. I need to tell Scott.

After a few hours Avi leaves and goes home. I call Scott.

(Bold = Kirstie again)

Hey Scott.

Oh hey Kirst!!!!!

Hey I just wanted to let you know that Avi and I are dating.

-No response-


Well, good luck with your relationship, Kirstin.

(He hangs up)

He, just called me Kirstin. He only does that when he is sad or mad at me. I think he was both.

I decide to go over to his house.
I knock on the door and he answers with red, puffy eyes. It is obvious he was crying. Seeing him like that made me tear up.

"Scott I am sorry. You just never tried." He just looks away.

"So I guess that means you never got any messages." I cock my head to the side.

"Messages?" I ask him.

"When you get home check your answering machine." I mentally curse myself since I never check that thing.

"Scott, I am so sorry." He just looks at the ground.

"Whatever Kirstin, it is clear you have made your decision. You love Avi."

"Scott, stop!!!!" He doesn't move.

"You love him and not me, I understand Kirstin, I understand how you feel. I will live with it. You love him more and see him as a better match for you." I am emotional and by this point I have no idea what I am doing or aware of my surrounding.

"No! I don't love Avi!! I don't! I love you! I needed Avi to cover my feelings for you!!" I say that and I look up to see Scott covering his mouth and looking behind me.
I turn around and see the one face I never wanted to...


The One She Loved (Kavi/Scirstie)Where stories live. Discover now