Are you okay Scott?

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(Kirstie's POV)

I texted Scott telling him that in case he does like me. I don't want to be in a relationship right now. But that I was doing some looking and I like him and another person.

I smile at my text to Scott thinking of Scotts short, blond hair, him being so tall, and his comforting blue eyes. My thoughts then move to Avi. Shorter, but his long, dark hair (when a beanie isn't covering it), and his piercing green eyes lighting up when he sees me.

I notice that someone has been knocking at my door for a while. I open it to see Scott. He is standing there getting rained on. As I tell Scott to come in I notice Avi's car pull up. This is gonna be bad. I let both the boys in and they sit on the couch laughing it up. I stare at them from the top balcony inside my house. They are both extremely handsome and amazing to be around. I remember seeing Scott standing outside my door. He would never let himself get rained on. Avi came over to tell me he was sorry, then he left. I then turned my attention to Scott, who was fiddling with the TV remote.


"Hmm?" He says not looking at me.

"Are you okay? You let yourself get rained on and I know you. You would never let yourself get rained on. Scott smirks and stands up, he comes over to me. He puts his arm around me.

"Scott?" I say.

"Yes?" He responds trying to match my pitch. I laugh. He sends a text on his phone and laughs.

"Who are you textin'" I ask him and realize his arm is still around me.

"Avi, he is hilarious!" He replies to me.

"What are y'all talking about?"

"What is this 20 questions!" I laugh at him again. He takes his arm off of me and I put his arm back on.

"You like me arm being on you?" He asks me

"It feels..... comfortable." I reply and smile at him. I kiss him on the cheek and whisper to him. "So what are you and Avi talking about?"

"You." He says and smiles.

"You both know?" I ask confused

"It ain't hard to figure out who you like Kirst." He smiles, looks at me, and laughs.

"What is so funny!!!" I look at him.

"Just, we are talking about you and he is getting everything spot on." He laughs at my reaction.

Scott leaves but he left his phone and I see a text from Avi, it is all I can see because his phone has a password. The text reads:

I know Kirst likes you more than me. I don't think I can do this, like her. I need to know that I still have a chance. I really like Kirst but, if she doesn't like me. Then, I don't know what to do.

Tears form in my eyes as I hear a knock at my door. It is Scott. He grabs his phone, says Hi, and leaves.

How could Avi think that I don't like him.

One thought goes through my mind. Scott. Scott must've been telling him that I don't like him! How could Scott do that!

I drive over to Avi's to ask him.

"Did Scott tell you that I don't like you."

"Yeah, he did."

"It is not true." I tell him sternly. I need to find out why Scott would do this.


Hey my dragons. Wassup! Okay so... Longer chapter and it took me about an hour and a half so I hope you guys enjoy it. This chapter is dedicated to ptxkirstiemaldonado because she gave an idea that was amazing and I loved it but I changed it a little so yeah. Byeee

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