Scott/Avi: The Divide

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(Kirstie's POV)

"What the hell Scott!" I say and punch him in the arm, which was kinda hard to reach.

"Oww!!! What!" Scott replies rubbing his arm.

"You told Avi I don't like him! Why would you do that!" Now I am enraged. Scott lies his phone down on the table.

"Here check my messages to Avi." He walks up to the Starbucks counter and begins to order something. I slide his phone and realize there is a password on it. Scott comes back waiting for a assume a drink.

"What's the password?" I ask so I get into his phone.

"The password is Kirstin Maldonado." Scott says while blushing. I blush hard. after he tells me. I unlock his phone and check his messages to find out he never told Avi anything about me not liking him. They are just messages about, well, me.

I blush heavily after realizing Avi was the one that lied and that I punched Scott for no reason.

Then, all of the sudden, my name is called from the counter. Scott bought me my favorite drink, a Pumpkin Spice Latte. I walk back up to Scott and say that we should hang at his place. He nods in agreement.

**At Scott's house**

"So what do you want to do?" He asks me with boredom prevalent on his face.

"Well we could dye my hair, I am starting to see my roots." I say and cock my head to the side.

"What color this time?" He asks me confused on which color. I pull out of my bag Black hair dye and Light Blond hair dye.

"Well I was thinking black with heavy blond highlights?" (A/N hair is the header for the chapter ↑ )

"Sounds like a plan!" Once we are done we curl my hair and I have to say! I look hot! I love it! We then sit on the couch and watch movies and I fall asleep.

(Scott's POV)

Kirstie fell asleep in my arms. She is so cute. I love her new hair color as well! She is so peaceful when she sleeps. For the rest of the movie, as I make an attempt to watch it, I sneak glances at Kirstie sleeping with my arm over her and her head in my lap. I wish she would never have to leave. But sadly it is gonna be suspicious if Mitch gets home tomorrow and Kirstie is sleeping in my lap. Mitch secretly has wanted me and Kirstie to be together ever since we met him.

When the movie ends I wake Kirstie up and I drive her back to her place so we can get rest. But when Kirstie falls asleep, she never wants to move so I have to put her in her bed.

As I lay her down she wraps her arms around my neck, not wanting me to let go.

"Kirstie, as much as I want to stay, I can't. I am so sorry." I kiss her forehead and her arms release from my neck.

I drive back to my house and quickly fall asleep.

The next morning I awake, Mitch still isn't home. I check my alarm clock and realize it is 3:30 AM. What? How did I only get like 3 hours of sleep? I make myself some breakfast, as I am doing that Mitch's car pulls up in the driveway. I quickly hide putting away all things that would give away that I was awake. I hide beind the stairs and watch.

Mitch comes in he is with someone. It is some lady I do not know.

"Do you want anything from the fridge Ab?" Ab? Who is that?

"No, I am okay, who phone is this?" Crap Kirstie's phone must've dropped out of her pocket! I hope Mitch doesn't read the goodnight text I sent Kirstie!

"Mitch! Come read this." Ab, points out.

"What is this Abby? NO WAY! Scott sent this! *clears throat* 'Hey Kirst enjoyed watching movies with you all night! I took you back home before Mitch came back cuz it would be suspicious. As always, thinking about you and can't wait for tour! Goodnight Kirstie, sweet dreams! ' OMG!! Scott is finally getting in! We should wake him!" Oh Mitch, always the optimist.

"No, we should let him sleep." Abby says. "If he were sleeping." Abby, gets a smirk on her face and looks over in my general direction. All warmth leaves my face. I shake my head no and beg not to be caught.

"What do you mean! He is definitely sleeping!" Mitch says and jumps. Abby quiets him down.

"Yeah you are right. He definitely is. Now, can I go to bed. I want to sleep babe." Wait, wait, WAIT! Mitch is dating Abby. No! That can't be! Mitch has been gay for 3 years, officially.

"Yeah, of course! I can't believe I get to sleep next to my wonderful Girlfriend!" Wait, wait, WAIT! So they are dating!!! What?

So after Mitch and his..... Girlfriend, go to bed. I head to bed and quickly fall back asleep thinking of Kirstie.


Hey my dragons! Wassup! Okay so longer-ish chapter and yeah plot twist a little, only slightly bending the story... Anyway, how have you guys been! Idk I am bored Okay Bye!!!!!!

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